Chapter 42

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Sodam drives in the middle of a private property located near the airport. She was sure this is where they bought byul since this place is owned by eric and he have bought her there before. It's his provate airport runway where he hides his two jets and helicopter.

Sodam assumes that after Eric gets his daughter, he will escape using his helicopter and flew out of the country, which is his best option for sure, considering he can't stay in this country any longer.

He plans all of these. He planned to be silent for weeks and analyze every movement of his enemy, and he also planned to let byul met henry the other day.

Sodam wonders why the guy identified where byul lives when they ensure the place cannot be tracked easily. When she checked one of the CCTV cameras they installed on the building-- she checked if there's any strange person lurking in the hallway-- she identified henry who was helping byul up to her apartment floor. At first, there's nothing weird with his help. But when he turns around to leave and bid his goodbye, sodam clearly saw the smirk on his face while walking away.

"Mom, byul is fine right?" Yongsun suddenly blurted out of nowhere, making sodam looks at her daughter for a second before she focused back on the road.

"Yes honey, she will be. Don't worry, things will be okay."

She took a glance at yongsun's troubled state for the last time. The girl can't seem to stay still. She keeps looking outside the window as if she's memorizing where they are. While sodam on the other side can't help but feel guilty about what she's about to make.

She's considering giving yongsun to eric in exchange for byul.

She doesn't want to surrender her but she can't also think of any alternative strategy to end things. She needs to choose between them..

and she chose her biological daughter.

The tension got thicker as sodam turn left and took the shortcut. As she does so, the wind welcomes them roughly and instantly saw the open field. They're here. She can see two guys in dark suits standing infront of a big helicopter. The pilot was ready to maneuver the helicopter and any minute from now, they will depart.

Sodam drive close to the specific area. Her eyes instantly landed on the bastard standing in the middle of the field with a smirk formed on his lips. He's not the only one she sees though, Henry was there too, pointing a gun on byul's head while the girl is kneeling below them with her head low. Yongsun who saw what's the situation of her girlfriend, automatically felt her tears starting to fall out.

"Took you long enough to find us. I started to think you abandoned your daughter." Eric said with a smug grimace as he saw sodam went out of the car. It took a second or two before yongsun emerged from the scene and heaved her deepest sigh.

She looks at byul across them and as if the girl realized her light was here, she slowly lifts her head and their eyes immediately locked at each other. The moment they did, byul tried to smile but grunt when the wound in her lips stretch, and yongsun didn't hold her emotion anymore as she let out her tears seeing the latter's bleeding face.

She can't believe her father did this.

Sodam was trying not to show any emotion or any expression that will let eric think he have won the game. She's just there, looking at them with anger swarming her eyes and standing so calmly as if she's not thinking of how she will kill him in an instant. How she wishes she can turn him into ashes just by thinking he will burn alive.

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