Chapter 27

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Sodam was holding grocery bags in both of her hands as the elevator ascended to byul's apartment floor. There's a smile appeared on her face that she can't prolly guess what, but she thinks it's because she's excited seeing her daughter for the second time around. She miss hanging out with her, and she promise when this day ends, she'll make sure byul and her relationship will strengthen just like the old times.

The door slides open and it's sodam's cue to step outside the lift. She can see byul's door on where she stood and the excitement meeting the latter doubled. A low hum sounded in the hallway as she walks towards her destination and stops when she arrived. Not just a second, she pressed the button and the sound of the bell echoed inside.

She was standing there, waiting for byul to open the door but minutes later as she keeps clicking the button, still, she can't feel any presence inside the apartment. She thought that maybe the girl is sleeping. However, when she lifts her wrist to look at her wristwatch, it reads 1 PM.

She's not home? That's the last thing sodam concludes.

With a huff, slightly disappointed that her daughter wasn't there, she set aside the grocery bags to the corner and wait for a bit of miracle that byul will somehow pop up infront of her. She looks from her left to right and seeing that no one was there, a relief breath escape from her mouth. She's planning on waiting for her daughter to come home then.

She thinks of calling the girl just to realize she doesn't have her contact details. She tried to press the doorbell multiple times just to be sure if no one was there and still no sign. She tried to entertain herself by scrolling to her social media accounts and still boredom strikes, and when she tried to twist the knob just to see if it was locked, that's when she realizes it isn't.

I told her to always lock the door! Sodam screams internally when she pushes the door open and thrusts herself through.

As she walks inside, the empty yet clean living room welcomes her. She wanders her eyes at the place and now she was sure that no one was there. That kid left her place unattended. When byul comes back, sodam will surely lecture her a little peace of mind so she'll learn how to lock doors when she's away.

Looking at the bags she's holding, sodam headed her way towards the kitchen. At first glance, it was normal, the furniture placed normal and it was also neat, but what confused her the most is when her eyes gaze at the table. She saw tools, bowls, and ingredients that were about to be used as if someone was planning to cook them.

Her eyebrows furrowed even more as she completely inspects the table, the egg white and yolk were separated. Now, she was convinced byul was cooking something. But where is she?

Placing the grocery bag on the table, sodam made her way to the girl's bedroom, and yet no one was there. She also checks the bathroom and still no sign of moonbyul. She doesn't want to think bad and assume things at first, thinking that maybe byul was out to buy something. But when she drags herself to the main door trying to check the hallway, that's when she concludes something isn't right.

Byul's phone was on the floor as if it was dropped there. She didn't notice it when she entered since it was hidden in the corner and was fall flat, the screen was facing the floor. She picks it up and her heart drummed insanely inside her chest when she saw it wasn't locked also, and a recipe for souffle omelette was on the screen.

The door unlocked, the kitchen is busy, her phone was on the floor, and byul wasn't there.. it only means one thing. Byul might be cooking and she opens the door when someone was there.. then shit happened. Sodam clenched her jaw as she connected the dots.

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