Chapter 41

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Sodam and yongsun both ride the elevator up to byul's apartment floor. Yongsun who was excited to see her lover, can't seem to wait any longer when she kept doing small jumps while inside the lift. She even impatiently count the digital numbers that appears on the top corner of the elevator as if it will speed the process.

Sodam who noticed yongsun's behavior silently chuckles to herself. She find her adorable to watch. So far, this yongsun is the happiest of all, and sodam is delighted that her daughter was the cause of it. She really can feel how they love each other that even if they live together for a week already, it seems like it's their first time meeting up. 

When the door slides open, yongsun was the first one to step out while hopping on her way towards the wooden door. Sodam followed her cheerful daughter-in-law with a smile on her face. But all of the sudden, yongsun stop and froze at her spot.

Sodam stops too and got confused why yongsun was acting weird. Just a second she seems so bright then suddenly look afraid. Yongsun was looking at something on the ground and she seems hesitating to move a muscle. Curious about what she's looking at, sodam proceeds to walk further and that's when chills run wild on her body.

There they saw a small piece of paper shoved on the gap of the door with a drop of blood in it. Sodam dropped what she's holding and hurriedly pick the paper without hesitation, as she gritted her teeth after she read the letter.

"Bring yongsun and let's exchanged daughters, shall we?
p.s don't bring one of your puppets if you want to see byul alive."

Sodam crumpled the paper tightly in her balled hand as her breathing became extremely heavy. She felt herself tremble by anger, rage, fury, you name it.

Yongsun who looks curious about what's written in the letter looks at her with anticipation, waiting for sodam to say something. Instead, sodam shut her mouth and didn't say anything. She just stare at yongsun before a shaky breath escaped her mouth.

"Eric got her."

Sodam assembled her team and planned the things they needed to do to rescue her daughter. While everyone was busy listening to what their boss says, yongsun was in the corner biting her lips and she can't seem to settle her pounding heart. She was nervous, terrified of what they did to byul, and angry for her father.

She wants to go and save her girlfriend, but she's not in the right position to do such reckless things like that. And besides, where can I find her? How do I save her? What kind of trick I'll use to generate a miracle like saving byul with my own hands? A bunch of unanswered questions filters her mind and it's starting to make her crazy for sure. All she wants right now is to see byul safe and sound, but it seems impossible.. eric is the one they're talking about anyway.

She was so occupied by her own thoughts that she didn't realize sodam was walking towards her direction.

"Yongsun, did you somehow saw byul wearing a ring earlier?"

Yongsun was pulled out from her thoughts as she stare at her mother for a second. She looks like she's not in her usual self (which is understandable), that sodam repeats her question for the second time before yongsun completely understands her.

"A-A ring? Like this?" She responded, lifting her right hand to let sodam scan the ring on her finger that byul gave on the other week. Sodam smile as she saw it while nodding in the process.

"Yes, that's a tracker. I knew something like this might happen so I told her to wear it and give the other one to you. I just hope she still has it in her finger."


"She's wearing it ma'am."

Before one of them can talk further, someone interrupted their conversation which made sodam and yongsun turn around to where the voice comes from. Their eyes landed on a slender man seated on the corner side wearing a black cap. Sodam immediately recognize her trusted hacker, which was also the one who made the tracking device she gave to byul.

They both walk to where the hacker is seated and sodam saw a red dot blinking on the computer screen which she was sure is the place where they can find byul.

"Where is that exactly?"


After they locate where eric bought byul, sodam instructed her security to ready the car they will use, which they were able to obey after just a minute.

Yongsun didn't wait for any guidance as she hops inside the car almost immediately, leaving sodam talking to one of her friends outside.

"Are you sure you don't need our help?" The guy ask sodam as she was about to get inside the driver's seat. She was stopped for a second-- contemplating if her decision is the right thing to do-- before she looks back at the man behind her and nods.

"I'm certain. I don't want to risk my chance in bringing back my daughter. If I don't do as he said, byul might get hurt."

"Are you willing to surrender yongsun to get byul?"

That caught her off guard for sure.

Is she willing to exchanged yongsun?

"I.. I don't know."

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