Chapter 35

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Byul was busy arranging things in the kitchen when someone tackled her from behind, affectionately hugging her petite figure. She doesn't have to turn around to confirm who was it. Just her scent is enough to know it's her girlfriend who came fresh from the shower.

"What are you doing?" Yongsun curiously asks, arms wrapped in byul's thin waist as she placed her chin at byul's shoulder to see what the latter was doing. Despite the warm embrace and the temptation to kiss the girl behind her, byul didn't stop on what she's doing and let yongsun cling to her back.

"Fixing stuff. Why are you here? You should take your rest. I'll be there after I'm done." She responded, putting the contents of the cereal box into a transparent container for better access when someone wants to have some.

"No, I prefer to stay and hold you like this."

Moonbyul heaves a deep sigh at yongsun's stubbornness yet she can't help but smile secretly. She never assumed yongsun to be a clingy type nor someone who likes to be bothered all the time. When they hang out together before, it's either they will tease each other or play random games. They don't hug affectionately or do skinship. They would just secretly stare at each other if one of them aren't looking.

Yet now, feelings are all out and they could proudly tell the public they're dating. It's still awkward to act intimately, that's no lie. But being with each other for months helps them learn each other's counterparts. So they know what are their don'ts and do's and can handle each other well.

"Listen to me--" Byul stops and turns around to convince the latter to rest, but was stopped when she saw what yongsun was wearing, "Y-Yah! Why are you dressed like that?!" Byul continues with mouth agape, eyes widened from the sight of a smiling yongsun.

Yongsun was wearing a loose shirt that is enough to reach half of her legs and didn't wear any pants to cover her lower body. If byul is also right, yongsun isn't wearing any upper undergarments. Well, she looks beautiful and natural though, but byul can't quite decipher why she feels nervous.

Yongsun dressed like that is not actually weird since sometimes byul wear those clothes when she's the only person in her apartment. But this matter is different, yongsun wearing her clothes and doesn't have any pants is not good for byul's heart. It's like the little organ inside her chest wants to get out and asking if it can breathe a fresh air.

"Why? It's a baggy shirt and I'm wearing this.." Yongsun responded, lifting her shirt to let byul see what she's wearing underneath, "Besides, it's more comfortable than wearing pants."

If it's possible in real life, byul might have experiencing a drastic nose bleed after yongsun lift her shirt. The girl was wearing cycling shorts beneath those clothes but the way she brags to byul what she's wearing weakened byul's knees.

"Y-You don't have to raise your shirt like that."

"I'm not naked byul. Don't be too nervous."

"I am not." Byul dismissed and return to what she's doing, leaving yongsun widely grinning behind her. She knows she's affecting byul, and it makes her happy knowing she can make byul timid like that.

It feels like yongsun wasn't planning on letting go too as she tightened her embrace at byul's waist, leaning her forehead at the latter's back while byul was doing her unfinished task.

Byul didn't try to open another conversation and so is yongsun. She was just in peace feeling byul's warmth while the other one is busy. It was an absolute stillness but neither of them felt uncomfortable by the silence. The tranquillity was just cut off when byul sensed yongsun giggling behind her.

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