Chapter 30

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An awkward silence lingers in the air the moment yongsun sets foot inside byul's apartment. They both feel the tension indeed, thinking their last encounter was something to be nervous about. Both of them were aware of the kiss that happened last time, and that's what makes the air thicker than normal.

"Uhm.. what are you making?"

Gladly, yongsun took a glimpse of the kitchen and saw the busy table, indicating byul is somehow making something to eat. Byul on the other hand walks back to where she works earlier before answering yongsun who's following her going inside the kitchen.

"Something appetizing, but I think it will not."

Never forget, byul suck at cooking. So they both expected the outcome of the food to be horrible, or maybe in a one-in-a-million chance, somehow edible and not too gross.

"Atleast you're trying, that's what really matters. Improving takes a lot of practice, maybe now or the next day you'll realize you already achieve your goal of becoming a better cook."

Thoughts about what happened last time started to disappear without them noticing, and it appears to change into somewhat comfortable topic that both of them like to talk about.

Byul started to chop the ingredients while yongsun watch her do the cutting, just sitting comfortably at the available chair infront of byul. They didn't see each other for a long time, but still they treat each other like the old times' sake.

"Yeah, I'll work hard until one day I'll cook better than you." Byul replied, smirking at the thought that one day she'll be better than yongsun. Of course, that's merely possible, but it takes a lot of trials to accomplish her dream.

Honestly, she doesn't care about cooking, she just wants to lighten the mood. She might have done a great job when yongsun scoffed and her usual cocky expression appears.

"So you're making me your rival?"

Byul just chuckled as a response, yet she stops cutting and looks at yongsun with a smile.

"How about you continue what I'm making?" She said and untie the lace of her apron, walking towards yongsun to hand the fabric.

"You said you'll try-- we just literally discussed improvement right now and you're passing the responsibility to me?"

"I can try lots of attempts next time. I'm not in the mood to cook since a better chef is here. I need a good food right now, a tasty one." Byul stated, smiling like she already convinces the latter. She even helped yongsun wear the apron. The girl tried to react but it's too late when byul drag her to where the ingredients and handed yongsun the knife.

"Come on, it's the best for us."

Well, what else she can do though? It's better to consume good food than to taste a dish they'll both regret eating in the end.

"Tch, fine."


The cooking session went fast but them eating the food went faster. As usual, yongsun impressively showcases her talent by making two dishes in a row that made byul's mouth drool in delight. They end up eating all food served at the table, including the side dishes yongsun put aside.

Now they're done cleaning the kitchen, yongsun and byul settles themselves in the living room.

"Sooooo, mom and you met?" Yongsun asks curiously, hauling the tip of her shirt timidly as the awkward tension is now back on track.

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