Please dont go!!!!

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*1 Week later*


We were all sitting in the bus relaxing while Ember was filming a video in her bunk for her fans. She loves the fact that she now has the confidence to show people her dancing and she enjoys herself more and more these days. She hasnt had any nightmares since that one time in Australia which is good to, Jessie said she used to get a lot of them. Every time she made friends with someone or got close to them and trusted them she would have a dream like the one she had about me and Jessie. Then she would keep her distance, that's why she has only ever felt comfortable with Sherry, Jessie and Kelly til she met us.

"CC CC CC CC CC CC!!!!!!!!! Guess what???!!" Ember screamed running in and jumping onto my lap.

"Ummmmmm you are in love with me and think I have devastatingly good looks." I said to her and she giggled.

"How'd you guess???? But that wasn't what I was talking about. I just got contacted by a dance company that originates in the UK and they want me to audition. They saw my Ed Sheeran- Drunk video and loved!!!!!" she said extremely excitedly and I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulling into a tight hug. I released her and placed my hands on her cheeks kissing her holding her there while everyone was talking and extremely excited for her. When we finally separated I stood her up and looked into her eyes smiling.

"That's absolutely fantastic baby. What did I tell you about your dancing, it's amazing, just like you!!!!!!!" I said and she blushed but then a sad look came over her face and she looked down. "Babe, what's wrong? This is fantastic news you should be happy!" I said to her and she just grabbed my hand and made me follow her to the bunk area. We got in and she stopped where she was before turning around and facing me, wrapping her arms around my waist and hugging me tight.

"CC, don't ever forget me, I love you too much to forget and I don't want to ever be apart from one another!!!" she blurted out and I pulled her away from my chest so I could look at her face which was now streaming with tears. I sat her down on her bunk and then sat next to her.

"What's wrong gorgeous? Why would you say something like that?" I said hugging her tight.

"The director of the company said that the next auditions are in three days. he wants me to leave tomorrow so I can meet with him before the auditions. And because it's a British company, if I get in I will be staying in London for a long time with them." She explained this I was immediately saddened. I finally found someone I was happy with and now I might not be able to see her for who knows how long. But I made sure I didn't show how sad I really was for Emmi's sake, because she had already broken down in tears. I knew her enough to know that if I was sad she would think she had disappointed me or that I was upset with her.

"Emmi, you got into a dance company, this is your dream, to dance for people. I promise you I would text you and call you everyday and every night we can video call each other, I would never let this relationship die just because there was a few miles between us." I said to her, meaning every word of it.

"I love you so much CC and I never want us to break up. Maybe I should just forget about the audition?" She said to me looking away but I knew I could never let her do that because that would be throwing away maybe her only chance at her dream.

"No Emmi don't, you may never get another chance like this. As much as it would pain me and everyone else to see you go, we don't want to be the ones standing between you and your dream." I said and then she pulled me in and kissed me. Afterwards we walked back into the lounge area where everyone else was to tell them the news.

"hi guys, umm you know how I said to you about that dance company contacting me?" she said timidly and they all nodded. She looked at me as if to say she didn't want to tell them and I just whispered in her ear that it would be fine, that she didn't have to worry.

CC's Ass Kicking Girl (A BVB Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum