The End

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Ember's POV:

25th of December

I woke up early today, even earlier than usual. But you can probably tell why. My eyes snapped open and I quickly jumped out of bed. I threw on a jumper and ran into CC's room. I jumped onto his bed and continued jumping like a little kid.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS IT'S CHRISTMAS IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" I yelled continuously before he finally began to wake up, very slowly. 

"Ok, I heard you the first time Em." I  heard him mumble as he rubbed his head and sat up. I giggled and jumped up before falling on my butt instead of my feet, sitting next to him. "Merry Christmas Emmi."

"Merry Christmas Chuppy!" I say hugging him tightly as he did the same. We were all meeting at the BVB house to have a christmas celebration and give our presents to everyone. But that was later today, after lunch. I had a lot of cooking to do because I offered to make part of the dinner for everyone so I wasn't going to waste time. 

"Can we do our presents now Emmi??" CC begged but I shook my head and stood up, kissing his forehead. 

"No, we have to wait until we are with everyone else." I said sternly, but with a laugh in my voice. He frowned and gave me a childish pout so I just shook my head at him, smiling, and leaving his room to have a shower and get changed. After I had shower and pulled on some leggings and a crew neck sweater with my ugg boots before going downstairs to the kitchen. We were leaving to see the others at one so I had 4 hours to make a salad and some roast potatoes, get myself ready, wrap a couple last presents and make sure CC was organised. I have a busy morning ahead of me.

I brought my ipod down so I plugged it into the dock and Don't Fall Asleep At The Helm began playing over the speakers. I smiled softly to myself and went to the kitchen, beginning to chop the copious amounts of vegetables that were needed to feed 5 men that could eat for 20. As I was chopping the potatoes I heard CC's footsteps on the stairs as he tried to be silent. It wasn't working, but I let him have his fun. I smirked to myself and continued until I felt his hands snake themselves around my waist and slide under my jumper to rest on my stomach. He rested his chin on my shoulder and kissed my cheek softly. And for a moment I forgot everything, I smiled softly, felt the blood rush to my cheeks and my body involuntarily lean back into his. CC lifted his head again and brought his lips close to my ear, letting them brush against the skin on my neck as they travelled up.

"Merry Christmas Beautiful." Those words, in such a low whisper, they sent shivers down my spine with every syllable. Then my mind came back to my body. I quickly straightened up and turned around, dropping my knife on the bench. 

"CC please stop, you can't keep doing this. I know how you feel, but just... Ease up, th whole point of the break was to not have an emotional connection so we would appreciate it more later. Please CC." I said quickly, realeasing his hands from around my waist by steping to the side, getting out from between him and the bench.

"NO EM!" He yelled and I backed up even more. "I'm sick of this! You don't get how I feel, you're perfectly fine with this break. You probably aren't even planning on being my girlfriend again. Emmi I'm over this break! Fucking Hell!" He yelled and stepped towards me, gripping my shoulders tightly. I shrugged him off and stepp back again, going towards the lounge room. 

"CC don't even start. This is not my fault and I'm sick of everything in my life all the way from when I was little being my fault. Remember the fact that you were the one who wanted the break in the first place. You were ready to split on the spot. I'm going to get back together with you, but you have to be patient! You know what, sometimes I wish I had listened to Ronnie!" I yell and pick up my black coat from the couch. I shove my phone in my pocket, grab my house keys and walk towards the front door. 

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