Love's fire

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Ember's POV:

"CC, what have you been doing to yourself?" I asked, kneeling down next to Jake and placing my hand on his back. He flinched and lowered his t shirt properly, turning around to face us. He hugged his arms to his own chest and looked up at my face, blotchy eyed for the second time today.

"I.. I was scared Ember. I'm s-sorry" He said leaning over and and hunching his body over, hiding himself completely from Jake and My eyes.

"CC show her." Jake said and CC rocked back and forth. Shaking his head. "CC she deserves to see, please show her for me." Jake said and CC looked up.

"What's going on?" I said, looking from CC to Jake. CC raised his body and released his arms from his chest. He held his left arm out to me and as soon as I saw it I clapped my hand to my mouth. In very jagged, deep, messy cuts, CC had carved my name into his inner forearm.

"CC why...."

"It was this morning, after I left you and Sherry at the stage I went back to the bus quickly and everyone was asleep in there so I grabbed my um.... Something from my bag and ran off to the woods you were in last night. I was devastated Em. I was terrified you were going to leave me and go back to Australia. I wanted to remember you" He said, looking down with tears in his eyes now.

"Aww CC come here. I won't. I promise. Unless you want me to leave I won't. Please don't let me see you do this again. Or like the ones on your back." I tell him, grabbing him by the back of the neck and pulling his forehead to mine. "Let's get you cleaned up" I said and went to the bathroom cupboard, putting my pj's on the toilet seat. I grabbed the first aid kit and brought it back to where I was sitting. I grabbed some tissues and folded them into thick strips, squeezed an antiseptic ointment on them and placed them on top of the cuts on his arm. I then wrapped it to make sure that the tissues stayed on the cuts before moving to his back.

"This will make the skin very soft and it will heal faster, leaving less of a scar. New tissues every morning with more ointment ok?" I said, looking up to him and he nodded telling me he understood but I knew I would have to remind him.

"Your back should only need one lot and keep it on for 2 days. the other one, keep reapplying it for 2 weeks then let it heal on it's own. It needs to be able to breathe to heal properly. You know it will never be fully gone right? The scarring on your arm?" I said to him, while patching his back.

"I know. I don't want it to." He said quietly and put his top back down when I had finished.

"Oh, ok. anyway I'm going to get dressed for bed, do you mind?" I said and Jake shook his head before leaving the bathroom. But CC stayed.

"Em are you sure we need a break? Really?" He asked quietly and I looked down. Both of us had stood up and he was standing very close to me, looming over me and, I'm sure, looking down at me. Thats why I looked down, he can't see my face at all.

"I really don't want to CC, I honestly don't. But I think it may be good for us. I think lately we have become  dependant on each other because we know we have each other there. And I think that we become so used to each other being there it's not... the special, new love feel. I think it's just thaat we expect the other to be there cause thats how it's meant to be. I do still  love you but think of how we'll feel when we do get back together. We will appreciate it more, appreciate each other more. Do you get it?" I explained to him, looking up at him.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess. I think I get it. But how long will you need? Because I really don't think I can last too long, at all."

"Hey, I will still be here with you, your still my best friend in the whole world CC. A girls best friend should always be her boyfriend. Remember that please?" I said and he nodded very slighty. I went up onto my tip toes and kissed his lips very softly, slowly. I pulled away and smiled up at him. His face looked hurt but he had a small very slight smile on his face which i knew was genuine.

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