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She's amazing. She can dance, she can sketch and she can kick ass to. What can't she actually do. I just watched Embers dance and it was beautiful. At the time I don't think she knew someone was filming her. Cause before the recording cut off she looked at the camera and shouted.

"Were you filming??!!" it was gorgeous. it was a contemporary dance and she looked in her element, like she was in her happy place. At the start she was looking upset but as the music kept playing she began to smile and had her eyes closed the whole time focusing solely on the beat of the music keeping her in time.

I have to ask her tomorrow what happened that made her so upset to go to such an extremity, it's not fair. I wonder what other skills she has. The way she kept in time with the music makes me think she may have some type of musical skills. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow.

Jinxx's POV:

CC has so fallen for Ember. You can tell by the way he was looking at her and every time they were texting his face lit up just like our CC. He was really upset walking back to the bus earlier and we all realized why. It was because he cared for her soo much and it almost killed him reading that letter she gave us.

He went straight to his bunk when we got back and turned on his laptop. He put some kind of disc in that I realized he had been carrying on the way back.

"Heyy Andy?" I shouted

"Yeah, What's up?"

"What's up with the disc CC's watching on his laptop?"

"Apparently some fan gave it to him earlier, he was tired so he said he wanted to chill and just watch it in his bunk."

"Ok. It's funny, you'd think it was from Ember the way he is smiling right now"

We both looked at each other and realized that it must be.

We ran over to CC and quietly tried to look without him noticing. It was from Ember, it was her dancing to drunk by Ed Sheeran. It was truly breath taking.

We saw the cover on the ground so we picked it up and looked at the note attached to it. I bet that made CC over the moon when he read it. He liked this girl and it looked like she liked him to. The only thing is we are leaving in two days, I didnt know how he would cope.

-------------------------------------------The next day - 5pm----------------------------------------

Embers POV:

Im ready to go, I have my uniform on and a bottle made. I also have my belt sitting on the counter ready to go and i am having some noodles for an early dinner. Then I got a text from CC while I was putting my bowl in the sink.

CC: heyy do you mind if we swing by now so we can hang out a bit before hand. :)xo

Ember: thatsfine come down:)

Just then I heard the doorbell and went down the hall to see the whole band already on my front door step.

"you were already out front when you text me, weren't you?"

"yeah, is that alright?"

"of course it is. Come in" I ushered them in and asked if they wanted to go sit down while I ran and got my bag from upstairs. When I came back downstairs I sat down on a couch on my own. Ashley and Andy were on one couch together. Jinxx was on the single seat with Jake who had jumped onto Jinxx's lap to piss him of. And CC was about to sit next to Andy when I came down. He changed his mind and came over to sit on the couch I was on.

"Andy not good enough for you heyy?" I said as a joke

"nope I'd rather sit next to a pretty girl then wierdo over there." at this I had to laugh because you should have seen Andy's face, it was priceless.

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