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I didn't go to see their show today, for the first time I couldn't bring myself to go. I sat where CC had left me and cried. I really don't like crying. I hate it. But I seem to always be doing it nowadays. I don't know how long I was behind the main stage, it felt like days but I think it was maybe 4-5 hours. But I don't know. None of this was meant to happen, I can't believe how much I fucked up. I know he said it was just a break but I can't help feeling like he wanted to break up but he just couldn't say it. I tried to stop thinking about it for a while and just listened to the sound of Falling in Reverse playing behind me on the main stage. I listened to Ronnie's voice singing Good Girls Bad Guys and laughed to myself lightly and let my head fall back.

Jake's POV:

We got off the stage and ran to the girls on the side of the stage. I wrapped my arms around Ella as did the other guys with their girlfriends. But then I saw CC, he had already started walking back to the bus, Ember was nowhere to be seen. Ella had noticed as well and so we ran after CC, catching up with him.

"CC where's Ember? She would never miss a show." I asked him and he simply shrugged.

"Don't know, don't care anymore." He said coldly and rushed ahead. Ella and I stopped walking and turned towards each other. By this time the others had caught up with us and were looking at us, confused as to why we were just standing there.

"What's wrong with CC and Em?" I asked the other guys and they all shrugged, except Jinxx. "Jinxx?"

"CC told Ember that he wants a break. They aren't together right now."  Jinxx said and we all yelled a simultaneous 'what!' at him.

"Why Jinxx?" Andy asked him and he looked down, keeping his arm around Sherry.

"He's doubting how much she loves him because she was saying she wished she never went to soundwave and met us because of everything that's happened." He said sighing.

"CC wasn't meant to hear that. Ember was saying that to me because she felt upset because she had hurt him. She was thinking that at least if she never met you guys he wouldn't be hurt right now. We didn't realise he heard what she said." Sherry said, adding to what Jinxx had told us. "But I never would have thought that he would go on break with them." She finished. I walked off to try and find Ember and I told Ella to stay with everyone else. Jinxx grabbed my arm quickly.

"She may be behind the main stage, that's where she was when CC walked off and she told me to chase after him." He said and I nodded before walking off. I went round to the main stage and peaked behind it. Ember was sitting there, but she wasn't alone. James, from Asking Alexandria was sitting next to her.

"Hey Em, you alright?" I said, walking over to her. She wasn't crying and her face wasn't one that looked hurt. It looked like CC's had, emotionless.

"Hi Jake." She said bluntly, not looking up at me. James got up and walked over to me.

"I came back here to put some gear away and she was sitting back here. I've tried talking to her but she won't say anything." James whispered to me. I nodded to him a thanks and walked over to Ember.

"Ember you gunna talk to me this time?" I asked her, grabbing a crate and sitting on it in front of her. She looked up into my eyes. Her own eyes weren't tear stained, or full of pain. They were filled with anger, and hate, and rage. The kind only Ember knew how to conjure up.

"No Jake. I'm done talking. I'm done with people telling me it's alright when I know they are lying to make me feel better. I'm done with backstabbing, lying pigs, who call themselves men, who think they should be the top priority in my life, on top of my own health and sanity. So excuse me for not jumping at the chance for some boy talk time." She said with a harsh voice, looking back into her lap.

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