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Embers POV:

We were all sitting talking to FIR and BOTDF before Dahvie decided it would be funny to sneak off grab the baby powder from their bus then ambush all of us. By the end of it all of us except Dahvie and Jayy had been antiqued while Dahvie was running around screaming "YOU DONE GOOFED!!!!!!!!!". That fucking wierdo. Anyway after a while we all left to clean up for the show, all the bands going their separate ways. When we got back to our bus we all showered and changed and the guys did their warpaint. After about an hour we were all ready to go so we headed to the stage the guys were playing on.

The show was abosolutely fantastic, the guys played Perfect weapon, the legacy, set the world on fire, new religion, we stitch these wounds, knives and pens and fallen angels. It was sooo much fun rocking out side stage as usual and luckily they didn't try to pull me up on stage again. Mini fist pump wooo!!!!!! After we got back and cleaned up AGAIN we all sat around watching Scary Movie 4 ( A/N Jessie, Reegz and Sherry should know why I chose that movie.). The bus had begun driving up to Queensland for the Soundwave shows in the gold coast.

It was so good but after about an hour maybe two of movies I got tired. Before I got the chance to get up, change and go to my bunk I drifted off to sleep, my head on someone's shoulder.

-------------------------------------------The next morning, 10:30 am--------------------------------------

I woke up and everyone was sleeping either somewhere curled up in a ball on the floor (Andy and Sherry) or sleeping on the couch... Except Ashley and Jake they must have gone back to their bunks to sleep. I had my head resting on CC's shoulder and my legs tucked underneath me. I got up slowly so I didn't wake CC up and I saw it was 10:30am so I went to have a shower before the bathroom hogging began when everyone was up. I got dressed and put on my makeup After straightening my hair. Once I was finished everyone was just waking up.

We had arrived at the venue and parked with the rest of the buses earlier so we got out my laptop again to decide what we were gunna do. Before I turned my laptop on I thought of a great idea. Such a shock for me to come up with a good idea but there you go.

"Guys, we don't need to look anything up why don't we go to either sea world or dreamworld?" everyone got super excited and we took a vote. CC, Sherry, Jessie, Ashley and I voted for dreamworld while Kelly, Andy, Jinxx and Jake voted for sea world.

"Dreamworld it is!!! Everyone get ready." I shooed them off to get ready while I slipped my earphones in and selected my rock playlist. The first song that came on was Good Girls, Bad guys by Falling in Reverse and I am seriously obsessed with this song right now. I don't even know why I just know I'm obsessed.

After a while I was listening to Children of the Grave by Black Sabbath and some covered my eyes with my hands and I went skits. I reached behind me and place my hands on the shoulders of the person. I then jumped enough that I could flip myself over their head before I realized it was just CC.

"OMG CC!!!! have you not learnt it's not a good idea to sneak up on me yet." I said while trying to not laugh because of the face he was pulling. His eyes went wide and he was shocked at my reaction. Its not nice, but I have to admit it was kind of funny.

"Jeez Ember we all love you to bits but you scare us really easily sometimes."

"I know, its fun."

"You evil little girl..." CC said with his eyes frowning but his mouth was smiling.

The rest got ready and we drove to dreamworld, getting there after about a hour of driving. We all wanted to go on the rides first so we didn't eat anything beforehand so we went to my absolute favorite of all time the thunder river rapids. Basically it is like a circle with all the seats around the edge facing inwards. The circle spins as it's go ing round this river that simulates like white water or rapids and it's really cool. We went on the giant drop, the tower of terror, and the log ride. Then CC and I decided we wanted to go on the rug rats mini roller coaster cause we are big kids and for some reason no one else wanted to come on this ride.

After the rides we went to tiger island which had three Sumatran tigers and a tiger cub area. We all desperately wanted to do the cub meeting thing so we booked and payed and went in with them. The cubs were so cute and they were just like my cat back at home except friendlier. My cat is a bitch and hates everyone in the family except my brother Caleb. (A/N that is all true about my cat.) we were all told to sit crossed legged on the ground before the cubs were let in. They ran over and started climbing over all of us. There was exactly nine so we each had one in our lap and the one CC had could well be the tiger version of him cause it was running around him every now and them stopping to jump on him and lick him. The one I hads name was Maki and it was sitting in my lap looking up at me and it looked like it had a massive smile on it's face. It was all so much fun and we really never wanted to leave the cubs.


My little cubs name is Nauri and she is sooo hyper just like me and Ember... And Sherry if she is given to much red cordial. She was running around and around and I was half looking at her and half looking at Ember with her cub named Maki. They were so cute and Ember was lying down on the floor while Maki was running around her and sitting on her stomach and everything. Both of them were soo cute. I decided to butt scooch over to Ember and Maki and of course Nauri followed trying to keep up enough to still run around me in circles.

"Heey don't you two look cute over here. I can see Maki is having the time of her life." I said as I got over to her side and she smiled back at me.

"Why thank you, and I believe she is having fun. What about you and Nauri, she is adorable." she said reaching over to pet her but Nauri backed away with a scared look on her face and went behind me.

"Nauri, don't be scared of pretty girls like Ember"


"Yes, pretty" I said back to her when she gave me a wierd look after I said a pretty girl.

"Thank you again"

"It's all true..." I mumbled and she didn't hear while I just smiled at her. I looked over at Sherry sitting with Jessie and their two cubs Immuhan and Crowpo. They both had their boyfriends next to them and were hugging and talking and being all cute, the same was with Andy and Kelly. I really want that to be Ember and I so tonight I'm gunna do something about it tonight, I just have to talk to the guys first. We finally got to the point where we had to leave so we said our last goodbyes to Nauri, Maki and the others before getting up and leaving dreamworld.

When we were back at the bus I told all the girls that we were going to do a quick run through and familiarize ourselves with stage for tonight before pushing the other four guys out the door.

"ok we did not plan this CC so what are you doing?" Jinx asked while he was walking backwards in front of us so he could face us.

"I wanted to ask you guys a favor and run another idea by you."

"God save us... But go on" Andy said looking up to the sky while I glared at him.

"Can I again remind you, alcohol cow and Ted anyway... I know when I am gunna ask Ember out."

"Really, when?" Jake asked intrigued.

"Wait till we are at the stage, then we can sit down and talk."



CC's Ass Kicking Girl (A BVB Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora