Welcome to my nightmare

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I walked into the bus with all the others as we were talking about what had happened earlier that day. Turns out Jake is the only one still in pain in the... Crotchual region. That's what you get for being shot with four paint bullets in the nuts. Anyway I still wanted to talk to Ember about the YouTube thing so I walked down to her bunk and peeked in. She was fast asleep but she had tear stains on her cheeks and fresh tears falling so I decided to leave her till morning.

I was going to tell her that I knew about her YouTube account but I can wait till morning. I walked to my bunk and stripped to my boxers and a plain t before getting in and turning on my laptop. I opened YouTube up to see that since the last time I checked Ember had uploaded two more videos. One was a video of her dancing to Candyland by Blood on the dance floor which was kinda a funny one. She was doing all these wierd moves and acting like one of those ringleaders in the intro. But the second video wasn't like her other videos it was entitled 'Reasons...' so I clicked on it to watch it. She was explaining how and why she started up the channel and different things about herself, she was telling her taste in music and different things like dislikes and likes. After about 3 minutes of talking about herself she said goodbye and said she would try to film a dance every second day. She must already have tons of dances choreographed.

Anyway we were all in our bunks just chilling before I heard soft crying coming from one of the bunks...

Ember's POV:

I was uploading one of my dances onto YouTube when CC came up behind me, smirking.

"Heey CC, what sup?" I asked as I turned to look at him

"Why do you even bother with those fucking dances, your shit." he said harshly. How could he say that. He is the one that told me I was good enough to do something with it. Just then Jessie came up behind CC with a glare pointed straight at me.

"I'm with CC, you have always been shit. And you have never been anything but annoying and a drag down ever since I met you, my life would be so much better off if you weren't in it" But Jessie... Why are they saying this? The two people i need the most and they are saying this. Just then the others came up behind them and just started laughing. I couldn't stand it so I got up, pushed past them and ran to the bathroom. I grabbed my blade from my makeup bag. This was only kept there for memories and to remind me never to do it again, but I guess it's not doing its job today. I wrote a note to Jessie that simply read:

Jessie, you get your wish, I'm out of your life. Sorry I was such a drag down...

I put it on the bathroom bench and before I knew it I was crying and screaming in pain before everything went black.


I woke up screaming and my face was streaming with tears. I felt my hands run over my wrists before scratching them and just sitting there rocking and scratching. CC pulled back the curtain to my bunk and enveloped me in a hug while I sat there still rocking... Still crying... Still scratching.

"What's wrong Ember? What happened?" CC asked as everyone jumped out of their bunks and came over to see what was wrong. I just shook my head because I couldn't talk. I especially couldnt talk with everyone standing around me staring expectantly. I shot a pleading look at Jessie and she seemed to understand because she asked everyone to go back to bed till it was just CC Jessie and I. Jessie noticed me scratching where my scars were and she harshly said to me, "Sit on your hands". This may sound harsh but this was Jessie and I's way of controlling me. I did as I was told before CC asked me what was wrong again.

"J..just a N.. nightmare..."

"What was it, it's more than that?" Jessie asked this cause she knew me the best. She knew I wasn't telling them everything. So I told them about the nightmare, from what CC said all the way to the note I wrote to Jessie, the whole time tears rolling down my cheeks and CC still holding me in his arms.

CC's Ass Kicking Girl (A BVB Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora