Soundwave Tickets

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Embers POV:

FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY. so hav I told u finally. I was finally able to get tickets to the most awesome music festival Australia has ever seen. Soundwave. I have been waiting for years and I swear if this year I wasn't able to go I would have snapped and killed someone, probably that kid Abraham at school that pisses me of... Anyway I'm getting side tracked. Plus guess who's playing there...... Come on seriously guess... I'm sure you'll get it.... Your not gonna guess? Fine I'll just tell u... ITS BLACK VEIL BRIDES. I know right plus I have this letter I've been meaning to give them. I know that sounds really stupid,, a letter I know but it's telling them about how much their music helps people and yeh. I'm going with my friends Jessie Souless ( or her name for herself 'Clepurdio'), Kelly 'ace' Jackson and Sheridan 'sherry perry' along with some others.

----------------------------------at Bvb set at soundwave----------------------------------

"This is awesome" Sheridan shouted at the top of her voice trying to beat Andy's singing.

"I know, later on we'll see if they are gunna come down and talk to fans like they usually do" Jessie shouted equally as loud.

"Cooooooooool!!!!!!" and Kelly has now put her two cents worth in.

They had about a half hour set and played, new religion, set the world on fire, god bless you,fallen angels and finished with the legacy, I think they cut a little into Blood on the Dancefloors time.

Anyway.... I just realized I get off track reallllly easily, there I go again.

Anyway they were just finishing the legacy and Andy was going crazy at one of the 'fans' (more like hater, asshole)

"your really gunna throw a water bottle at a cripple, your really gunna pick a fight with a cripple? You know what? Fuck you motherfucker cause I'm up here and your down there and trust me where I'm standing it's a lot more comfortable"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo" all of us screamed and went nuts as Andy said one more time "fuck you motherfucker" and flipped him the bird.

"Ashley stepped up to his mic just as Andy mooned the croud with his white ass. "Ok apparently Andy has gone crazy, so imma finish off by saying that we r gunna meet all you guys, that like us, down by the front of the stage in about 10minutes, so hang around" Sherry, Kelly Jessie and I just took one look at each other and well let's just say all you could hear was "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH".

So we waited a while and we let the massive croud die down before we finally went up to the guys.

"you guys were Awesome!!!" Jessie bursted out but you could tell there was something else she wanted to say. Earlier we made Jessie promise she would restrain herself and not shout at Ashley saying she loved him.

"Go on we know you want to say it" Kelly relieved her from her pain of holding it in.

"I LOVE YOU ASHLEY!!!!!!!!!!"

"And there's the burst" Sheridan added to all of our groans.

"Imma cut in before Jessie doesnt let any of us talk, hi im ember, this is Kelly, Sheridan and the crazy one that announced her love to Ashley is Jessie, she also goes by Clepurdio." i said as i went down the line finishing at a hyperventilating Jessie.

"Sweet hey girls so obviously you know who we r. Anything u want us to sign?" CC asked us, in a slightly hyperactive voice.

"umm can u sign my phone?" Kelly asked as she handed her Andy Biersack phone over to Jinxx who passed it along the line.

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