Melbourne shows

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Ember's POV:

The next two days in Melbourne went really well, the show was absolutely fantastic each night and through out the day it was so much fun to be able to hang with the just the girls or the guys as well.

I have uploaded two videos since my Ed Sheeran one. One of them was a hip hop dance to Tambourine by Eve and the second one was to I'm not dead by Pink which was kinda a jazzy hip hoppy contemporary one. Overall my videos have over 10,000 views collectively and I'm loving the comments.

All in all... Life for me has definitely improved. There is one person who has commented on each of my videos, the name was Christian, that's it just Christian. He wrote the sweetest things and they were always the longest comments. I still haven't told any of the girls or guys that I have the YouTube account yet but I will, I also don't care about practicing my dances and writing choreography down around everyone anymore. It's kinda the only thing I do on the bus nowadays, I do it while we r all watching movies or something.

And you know what, this is all because of Jessie and CC...


"Ember we're about to hit the road okay, we are traveling to Sydney"

"Ok... Can we visit P Sherman 42 Wallaby way Sydney."

"Finding Nemo?"

"Yep" she replied to me. this girl is so random... like me!!!

she hasnt told any of us about her youtube channel yet but i have been looking at the three videos she put up. i commented on them under just the name Christian. hopefully she doesnt put two and two together cause then she would know i watch her videos. i havent told the guys yet she can tell them when she is ready.

anyway time to head to Sydney!!!

We arrived in Sydney at about 2:30 and we had four hours before the show so we decided to do something

"What should we do?" Jake asked as we stepped out of the bus, to stand on firm ground for the first time in hours. Ember got out her laptop and to look up things to do in Sydney and we all stopped her scrolling when we saw a paintball place advertised.

"What about that??" Sherry said with an evil smirk.

"Awesome, girls v boys" Kelly said, damnn these girls are good at evil smirks!! With that we all went to the paintball place and collected our gear.

Sherry's POV:

The girls guns were loaded with pink paint and the guys had blue. We went out in the field and set up a strategy. Once we were ready the game begun.

It was really funny cause by the end of it Kelly shot Jinxx in the nuts, so I shot Andy in the nuts, then Ember shot Ashley in the nuts so Jessie shot CC in the nuts and when Jake was just standing there we all aimed for his nuts so he got four paintballs flying at his balls. I got kinda a little, maybe, a tiny bit, very trigger happy and shot everyone. And when I say everyone I mean everyone including the girls everyone was to afraid to shoot me to so I came out paint free. All the guys were to scared to shoot Ember cause they saw what happened to Ashley the first time we met so Kelly and Jessie were the only ones splattered with blue paint. All in all, it was lots of fun.

Jakes's POV:

I am never ever going to go paint balling with those girls ever again!!! My nuts are hurting soo much right now. And Sheridan and her fucking trigger happy fingers. Anyway we were walking back to the bus, covered in pink mind u, and were all talking and stuff as I went over to CC and Ember who were talking about god knows what.

"Hey guys!!!"

"Hey Jake how you feeling?" Ember asked referring to my situation of the crotchual region.

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