Back in the bus

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She didn't get in... Da fuq??!! How in hell did that happen, anyway we are on the plane and Ember is sitting next to me while Andy and Kelly are in front of us. Then Ash and Jessie are behind us, behind them is Jake and Ella and across the aisle is Jnxx and Sherry. Ember was next to the window fell asleep on my shoulder so I was TAlking to Jinxx about a common topic in this band, farts.

"Seriously I don't know how Jake makes them so lethal. It's like he builds up the stink for days.." Jinxx said to me and considering that Jinxx's bunk is directly under Jakes you gotta feel sorry for him. Jakes farts are like... Like... When you drive past a sewer with your window open. Anyway we continued talking about other stuff when the stewardess called over the intercom that we were landing soon. I gently woke a sleeping Ember up next to me, so she could get ready to get out.

"Ember... Ember baby, wake up." I said softly shaking her shoulder.

"Huh, what?? Where am I???" she said and I told her we were on the plane.

"Oh, Hiiiii" she said and I left out a small laugh at her sleepy voice.

"Hii tired much????"

"I didn't sleep much in London." she said to me and I must have had a concerned look on my face because she elaborated further.

"I stayed up late a lot thinking about what was happening with you guyss and also a couple nights I walked down to the studio really late to practice while no one else was around." she explained to me and that just makes it even worse that she didn't get in when she was training so late at night.

"Ok well lots of sleep for you when we get back, ok?"

"But I wanna go to the shows!!" she said said again putting on her pouty face she knows I can't resist.

"Fiiine. You know I can't say no to the pout." I said to her and she giggled before we felt the plane land and got ready to get off. Once we were off Ember ran out before everyone else and we found her sitting on the ground in the airport. We all just stared at her incredibly confused.

"Ember... What are you doing?" Jinxx asked her and she just turned and looked at us.

"I missed America, Londons to cold. Plus I feel like I'm back on home soil even though I actually live in Aus." she said as I grabbed her hands that she was holding up and pulled her to her feet.

"Well hopefully we can change that Emmi."

"What are you talking about baby??" She said staring at me.

"Well I want you to move in with me in LA, when the tours over." I said to her, still holding her hands and her face lit up. Before I knew it she jumped on top of me and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, I stumbled as she also wrapped her legs around my waist. She pulled back and crashed our lips together keeping us together. We separated and I was still holding her up.

"So is that a yes then???" I said to her and she looked at me like I was an idiot.

"No shit Einstein." she said and laughed at me before releasing her legs from my waist and jumping down. The rest of the guys and girls ran in and surrounded us in a group hug, all of us laughing, before we picked up her bags and left the airport. We got in the bus which had parked in the airport parking lot and Ember took her dance bag and her suitcase from Jake while I followed her down to her bunk where we put everything down and then went back to the lounge area where everyone else had made themselves comfortable already.

"By the way Ember, the girls are moving in with the guys too. They will all be living in LA and if ever we are either recording or we all have a massive sleepover thing we will all stay at the BVB HOUSE." I said to her. And she smiled and just hugged around my waist. Finally she was back with me, I missed my baby girl.

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