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"Soo do you want to head over to one the girls houses, or do you want to stay here or..." she asked me as we dropped her mums car off and headed inside.

"Umm do u wanna go to Jessies or someone's and then come back here.... If that's alright with you??"

"Yeh sure, Jessie lives just down the road, do you wanna take the bikes I leave them at Jessie all the time?" is Ember talking about riding push bikes, in these skinny jeans??

"Push bikes...??" I asked her.

"Haha, it's cute you think I am talking about push bikes..." What's that supposed to mean. Just then we walked round to the back of her house and stopped at a small shed and she opened it up. Behind the doors were two beautiful, flamin Harley Davidson bikes.


"Yeh this one with the blue flame details is my brother, Calebs and that one with the Orange and red flame details is mine"

"So what are we doing riding together or separate??" I asked not sure If we would be allowed to touch her brothers bike. I mean they are fucking Harley Davidsons!!!

"Umm the bro doesn't mind it being taken out but since we may be leaving it out front of Jessies before we leave for a while, I think we should just take mine. Just to be on the safe side." I totally understand her brothers worries of this precious machine.

"Do you wanna ride up front?" Ember is letting me be in charge of controlling this.. YES PLEASE!!!!

"Yeah cool."

"Alright here is, Your helmet." She said handing me a mat black helmet while she put hers on that was mat black with purple flames, she likes flames.

"Umm just let me quickly text Jessie k?"

"Yeh sure" and with that she smiled at me and walked inside.

Ember's POV:

I went inside grabbed my phone out and text Jessie telling her we were coming.

Ember: Hey Jessie, is Ashley still with you?

Jessie: Yeh why?

E: just wait out the front CC and I will be there in five and we r on my Harley. I want to make Ash jealous.

J: ok cya in a bit.

After Jessie sent the last text I went back out to CC who had his helmet on ready to go. I'm jumped on the back and CC grabbed my hands snaking them around his torso.

"Wouldn't want you to fall off would we?" he said then turned back round and started her up, the engine purring to life.

As we made our way along the road I pointed Jessies place out and then rested my head on his back as we pulled up in front of the curb. Jessie and Ash were standing out front and Ashes face was priceless.

"ububugrdcjnijnu..... Afa.....who's????" Ummmm... Well now I know his reaction is gibberish.

"Mine" I said happily as I jumped off and CC stepped off after me.

"There is no way a chick can get a precious piece of machinery like that and I can't!!" Ash said admiring the detail in the paintwork

"Shut your face Ashley, I love my Harleys just as much as any bloke"

"It's true, she doesn't shut up about how she wants a massive shed when she has her own house to store and restore a ton of Harleys as a hobby. It's annoying."

"Thank you very much Jessie, so what shall we do?" I asked no one in particular.

"Resident Evil marathon?" Jessie suggested since she has all of them.

We went inside and Jessie set the first resident evil up as CC, Ash and I got comfortable on the couches leaving the spot next to Ash for Jessie.

After about a half an hour it was up to the part where Raine was bitten by the first T-Virus zombie and we were all hungry. Jessie and Ash went to go make some popcorn while CC and I stayed and watched the movie. I had my head rested on his shoulder while I had my feet curled up underneath me. I loved this, it's like this was just natural for both of us to be sitting like this together. CC snapped me out of my day dream.

"popcorn doesn't take this long to make, does it?"

"I'll go check what's keeping them" and with that I got up and walked to the kitchen and caught Ash and Jessie in a massive makeout session. I went back into the lounge room and grabbed CC to dragged him into the kitchen. His eyes went wide when he saw what I saw earlier still going on. Then his face relaxed and I saw him smiling.

"Why are you smiling?"

"All the guys and I saw this coming."

CC and I both cleared our throats and Ash and Jessie turned around looking everywhere but at us.

"FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" CC exclaimed

We all just laughed while CC grabbed the bowl of popcorn and the two of us walked back to the lounge to leave Ash and Jessie alone. After a while of watching more zombie mayhem we heard a massive scream from Jessie followed by her running out jumping on the couch and shaking me.

"Number 1 stop shaking me, number 2 what was the scream for."

"Ash asked me to be his girlfriend!!!!!!"

"And you said....."

"YES!!!!!!!!!" we both ended up hugging for ages before Ash pulled Jessie away from me so we could all sit back on the couch to finish off the first movie. Before the movie even finished I was so tired I drifted off into the best sleep of my life.


This chapter was in fact dedicated to my friend Jessie who is Jessie in this story. She loves Ashley so I thought this would make her happy.

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