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There was a long laughter heard amongst all of us as we watched Ember take one shot at Ashleys balls, nose then stomach before he doubled over in pain and fell to the ground.

"I tried to warn you Ash" Ember said triumphantly as Jessie rushed to Ashleys aid. They so like each other, I saw him write his number on her IPod.

We all high fived Ember as we continued to laugh at Ash. And then one of my brilliant ideas struck. "guys I have an idea"

"oh shit here we go, another brilliant Idea from the mind of Chrisitan Coma." Andy said as I glared at him.

"Says the man who thought of alcohol cow and Ted. I promise it's good." I pleaded

"Alright go on" thank you Jinxx!! Give the guy a prize.

"why dont the five of us go see Ember in her taekwando class. I wanna see her kick more butt" I said as I watched them consider what I just said.

"You know what, for once that's not a half bad idea CC. As long as I'm not the one being beaten up this time." Ashley said still in desperate pain and downing a water bottle.

"You won't be, I will have black belts to beat up." Ember exclaimed with a sense of accomplishment that he was still in pain.

"Alright so what time is your lesson? We can swing by your place and pick you up." I asked her. I seriously love this chick!! Did I think that out loud?? He he awkward!!

"Ummm my class starts at 7pm but I help with the kids class at 6:30 so if u swing by like 6 then we can get there just in time for the kids session." She explained to us.


Was she... Blushing that whole time. No??? She can't have been why would she be blushing?

"Alright well we will see you tomorrow then and Jessie, sherry and Kelly I'm sure we can catch up all 9 of us on the weekend cool?

Everyone agreed and the girls began to walk away.

Then as the guys and I were about to turn around I saw Ember stop and say something to the girls. They kept walking as she came back to us with a letter in her hand.

"Heyy umm... I was meant to give this to all of you earlier but I got sidetracked it happens easily. Soooo here.." she shoved it towards us and began to turn and run away to catch up with the others.

"Wait Ember we need your address to pick you up tomorrow?" I shouted after her.

She ran back, grabbed my sharpie scribbled her name and address on the envolope and ran away again shouting a quick goodbye.

I jumped on the stage to join the guys in packing stuff up for the next band.

"Heyy guys before she left Ember gave me this letter for all of us do u want to read it now or later?"

"now" was heard from all.

It read:

Dear... Well I was going to say Black Veil Brides, but I have a better name for you... Saviours.

Your music has touched the hearts of many teenagers, kids, hell I even know adults that you've helped. Your music creates almost a friendship, a safe haven and a safety net for many people who need it. Your music touches them in a way that surpasses all else and helps in unique ways. Your music is my best friend. I've had struggles over the past 13 years of school and it made me result to something that should never be resulted to. I discovered your music late last year, and since then I haven't cared what others think. I haven't cared what others say. And I certainly havent cared about what others do.

You pulled me out of the troubled times and place me in a mind frame that I could never thank u enough for.

Yours sincerely... A dedicated bvb soldier that has been touched, like many others, by the power of your written word.


Sooo the letter has been read tell me what you think k?

I love you guys

CC's Ass Kicking Girl (A BVB Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now