Comforting her...

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The questions just got too much for Ember. She ran out to the bunks and Jessie and I followed her to make sure she was alright.

"Hey, they were just shocked they didnt mean to overwhelm you with the questions. It's an instinct we all have." Jessie said rubbing her back lightly in circles. Jessie really cared for her, I mean so did the others but the fact that Ember was prepared to Tell Jessie but not Sherry and Kelly. They must mean a lot to each other or something.

"Trust me, they were just surprised you were hiding this amazing talent from everyone. And it is amazing Ember... You are amazing." I said to her the honest truth. This was how I felt, she has this amazing talent she is hiding from the world when it is so beautiful and breathtaking.

"I know it's just... I don't like the attention dragged towards me, it's just pressure and when everyone started asking questions I just couldn't answer any of them even if I wanted to. To be honest I don't even know any of the answers they want. It's just my thing... Dancing is just my thing. There is no reasoning behind it."

"There doesn't have to be Ember, your thing is dancing just like CC's is drums and my thing is Bass.... Your thing is your escape. Everyone has one." what Jessie is saying to her is beautiful.and all true.

After a while of talking and comforting her Jessie left and I stayed with Ember who was still sitting down quietly next to me.

"Come here" as I said this I opened my arms she put hers around my body and clung on tight as I closed my arms around her.

"Promise me something Ember."

"What is it?"

"Promise me, that you will never change.. For anyone. You will be who you want to be and let others accept this as who you are. And promise me, you will no longer hide your dancing, be proud of it, it's too good for it to be hidden under lock and key. Can you do that?"

"For you CC... I'll try" and with that we went back out to the others. Her still hidden in my arms.

After we were back we all sat and watched more resident evil, but after a while Ember stretched up to whisper in my ear.

"I'm going to bed, I'm tired and I wanna think..." so she got up and left walking towards her bunk and grabbing some batman pj shorts and a tank top and going to the bathroom to change.When she came out she looked at me gave me a small smile and walked back to her bunk. Tomorrow I am gunna take her on a walk so we can talk... Just the two of us.

Embers POV:

I got into my bunk and just laid there for a while. CC made me promise not to hide my dancing and the more I thought about it, the more I thought that this is what I needed to. I scratched at my wrist, I have done this since I 'hurt' it and it has become a habit I am desperate to break. I grabbed my laptop from my bag and logged onto YouTube clicking the register button. This day has made me realize that I am now prepared to show the world my dances. I filled in the details making my username ILiveForDance. My description read..

My name is Ember Solana and I live in Australia. I dance that's my thing... My escape... For ten years now I have hidden the fact I dance from everyone I know but now I am prepared to show what I love. Show the world what I love. Love it hate it, I don't care. As long as I like what I am doing, it doesn't matter to me what you think. I live for four things. Dance. Music. Friends. And family, if you cant accept this, leave me be...

Starting tomorrow everyone was going to see my passion.


I decided to go to bed after a while because I was really tired. I said goodnight to everyone and headed to my bunk I stripped to boxers and picked up a plain t shirt before getting into my bunk and turning my laptop on. I searched my twitter to see that Jinxx, Andy and Ashley had all posted about their news and put pictures up. I then went onto my twitter an started writing a tweet.

@CCBVB: when that one person you love isn't happy with themselves... It breaks your heart:(

After that I decided to go on YouTube to just check out some stuff then I noticed a video icon that for some reason I recognized. I clicked on it and it was titled: Drunk by Ed Sheeran (contemporary) and it was Embers dance. I clicked on the username, ILiveForDance and it came up with embers picture and a description with the one video. She must've had the video on her computer. I'm so glad she has done this cause now she can see she is good. She already has 100 views and it was posted about an hour ago, along with nothing but good comments.


I luv u all and I will upload more hopefully tomorrow morning. Good night:

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