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Ember's POV:

We were about an hour out of London and I had taken a short nap earlier but was now wide awake. I had my iPod back in but after a while I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned to see him, the young guy sitting next to me, staring back and smiling at me. Now that I look at him properly I see that he has a BVB top on like me and skinny jeans. He had blond hair that was kinda long and straightened and he had black snake bites. He was attractive but most of all he just seemed like a really cool guy. I took my earphones out and said hi to the guy and he smiled at me.

"Hey, your music was really loud on your iPod and I could kinda hear it. I was just wondering was that Asking Alexandria you were listening to? Not the American Average?"

"Yeah good ear. You a fan?" I said smiling at him while turning my iPod of at rolling up the earphones.

"Yeah I love them, and I think we may have other similar music tastes, judging by our tops?"He said pointing at both of our tops.

"Yeah they are awesome. Really cool chill guys to hang out with to." I said and his bottom jaw dropped to the floor

"You know them personally... Wait I recognize your face. Your name is Ember right? Your CC's girlfriend?" he asked. Wow I am recognized with people I don't even know, this is crazy.

"Yes I am" I said kinda laughing a little.

"wow that's cool. Can I just say you are an amazing dancer."

"so I've heard. That's actually while I'm here. I got an offer to audition for a British dance company." I said and he congradulated me.

"That's awesome, actually is it this Dance company?" he asked showing me an envolope with the name of the dance company that called me.

"Yeah it is..."

"They contacted me too I'm meant to have a meeting with the director today."

"Cool same here, I am kinda nervous the though cause before now the only time I dance is on my own or for YouTube." I said to him and he kinda just did a small laugh.

"Don't worry about it this is my second audition for a dance company and they aren't too bad as long as you have talent, which you do." I kinda blushed and then realized I still hadn't asked his name.

"So you know my name, what's yours.?"

"Ryan." we kept talking until the plane landed and we got off and took a taxi together to the apartment block owned by the Dance Company for the dancers to stay in. and took our bags up to our rooms. We had been sent details of our rooms and all that so we went our separate ways and I started trying to find my room. My number was 265 and I soon came across it on the 5th floor at the end of a hall. I opened the door with the keycard I was given and walked in being greeted by Juston Bieber being blasted through a stereo. I looked the room to see two beds, in one of the rooms, a small kitchen area, a bathroom, and a lounge area. I timidly walked through to the bedroom where I was greeted by a snobby looking girl sitting on one of the beds with a Girlfriend magazine in hand. Great, my room mate is a snobby, Justin Bieber fan girl.

"Umm hi, I'm your room mate. My names Ember. You?" I said trying to be friendly but this girl just glared at me looking me up and down.

"Great another roommate... I'm Saskia. Look I'm gunna lay the rules down now. You leave me alone, don't touch my stuff and if you play any of the emo, screamo crap that I'm sure you enjoy, I will get you kicked out on to the street so fast you won't know what hit you." great, I've got one of those roommates. I'd rather share a room with Ryan, no worse I would rather share a room with Ashley than stay with this girl. But I am gunna make the best of this, it's about me and my dancing, that's why I came here. I put my bag down on the other bed and started unpacking, putting the clothes in the small cupboard.

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