Big shock!!!!

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Ember's POV:

I woke up this morning with a really bad headache or something but I just ignored it because it went away quickly, getting up I walked to the fridge and got some apple juice. Yes I am still addicted. I checked my phone and it was only 8:30 so I decided to just chill in bed on facebook. I stayed there until it was about 10 o'clock and then I heard my phone ring and I went to answer it.


"Hello Ember it's H. We have the final five so we are getting everyone down to the studio at about 11:30."

"Cool thanks H do you need me to tell Saskia, Ryan, Jack and Lilli?"

"That would be great Ember, cya later." I hung up and got my black shorts on with my One Piece t shirt and some boots. I unfortunately realized the inevitable truth of having to wake Saskia up to tell her.

"Saskia, wake up!!!!!"

"What do you want Emo Bitch???!!!" I will ignore that comment.

"H said he has the results for the audition and wants everyone at the studio at 11:30"

"Fine but now LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I slipped on a leather jacket and some converse before leaving to go to the cafe. I got there and had my usual hot chocolate before calling Ryan.

"Hey Ryan."

"Hey Em, how you goin??"

"Good thanks. Couple things, H said that he wants everyone from the second round of auditions down at the studio at 11:30 for our results." I said to him.

"Ok cool I will tell Jack and Lilli. Whats the second thing?"

"What did Jack say about what I saw?"

"They are really guilty. They say they didn't know what they were doing and they would greatly appreciate it if the partners were not told." we agreed that we wouldn't tell and respect their wishes along with the fact that we didn't know them anyway. We hung up and then I realized that I should start walking down to the studio because it was 11:20. I got ther in time and headed into the studio waiting until the last few people got in which infect where Ryan, Jack, Lilli and bitch from hell.

"Alright so the five of you who will be traveling with the company for 3 months is... Jack, Ryan, Baylee, Lilli, and Saskia. Thank you so much to everyone else who auditioned and this in no way says that you don't have talent so don't take it to heart. Goodbye everyone." I'm not in... I didn't get in. I seriously don't know whether I should be happy or not because yes my dancing was turned down but it means I don't have to spend 3 months without my boyfriend and best friends. I left to go back to the apartment and I called CC and he picked up after a couple of rings.

"Hi tell me tell me tell me tell me. Are you in???????"

"Hi Chrisy, I'm good thanks how about you?"

"Sorry Emmi I just really want to hear what happened???"

"Well get the others and put your phone on speaker so I can tell you all together.

"Ok baby hold on. HEY MOTHERFUCKERS EMBER IS ON THE PHOOOONE!!!!!!!!" I heard him scream and I just giggled as I heard a chorus of hi's from the other end of the phone.

"Hey everybody sooo... I uh, got cut. I'm not in the company."

"What??!!!! Baby why your fantastic??" CC asked and everyone agreed with him.

"I dunno, but I'm kinda happy about it... Why can I here clicking????"

"Sherry's booking a flight for all of us to meet you at your apartment. She missed you" I just laughed and then talked a bit more with CC before hanging up and starting to pack my stuff away. I grabbed my suitcase out form under the bed along with my dance bag and began filling them with all the things I came here with.

Once I had packed all my clothes it was a couple of hours later and I was sitting down listening to music while Saskia was reading a magazine. I saw her glare at me and then stand up walking to the door but I didn't bother to see who it was, probably just one of her friends coming to congratulate her. I kept listening to King For A Day but just then my earphones were ripped out of my ears and I sawsaskia standing over.

"What the fuck Saskia???"

"Emo convention is here, I was guessing they were here to see you." she said coldly to me and I knew that enough was enough, I was completely sick of her.

"You know what Saskia, *punch*, that's for calling me Emo, *punch*, that's for hitting on my Boyfriend, *punch* and that is for every other bit of shit you have given me while I have been here." I went to the door and saw my best friends, brothers and my boyfriend. Before I knew it Sherry had linked herself around me and refused to let go.

"Sherry, may I please hug my boyfriend now?"

"NO he can wait his turn.." after a while she finally let go and I went to hug CC when I got attacked by another person.

"Seriously what the fuck Jake???"

"I missed my little sister." he said with a pouty face and I just hugged him back, laughing a bit. He finally let go after about 10minutes of hugging.

"If anyone else stops me from hugging my boyfriend I will punch. Gender determines where." they all slinked back to where they were previously standing. I smiled pleased with my self them jumped on CC hugging and then crashing our lips together. We pulled apart and just stared smiling at each other.

"Hi" I said simply and we laughed before I pecked his lips again and jumped down.

"Hi gorgeous girl." I smiled and then stepped back.

"Ok now you guys can attack." they took it a little too literally and they all rushed at me at the same time and bowled me over. They all just piled on top of me on the ground. CC just stood in the doorway looking at us and laughing before coming over and starting to grab some of them, pulling them off of me.

"Thanks. Bloody Hell You Guyzzz are HEAVY!!!!!" they all complained at my insult before we all just looked at each other and laughed. We didn't want to stay any longer so CC grabbed one of my luggage bags while Jake grabbed the other and I grabbed my dance bag.

"Ember why is there a girl on your floor with blood coming out of her nose." Ash asked walking past her and looking down.

"Thats the roommate I told you guys about. When you got here she said to me the 'Emo Convention' is here and that was the last piece of shit I could take from her so I punched her...3 times"

"ahhhhhhh that makes sense." anyone other than these guys would think I am a complete maniac, that's why I love them. We walked out and got a taxi van to the airport where we got on our flight back to America. I will finally be in my rightful place, on the bus with the guys and girls and watching my boyfriend and his brothers rock out on stage each night.


YAYAYAYAYAY she's home but, AWWWWWWWWWW she's not in the company. So much emotional frustration!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyywaaaaaay.

Guyzzzz as you may be able to tell my cover has changed thanks to @XxObsessedxX . Thank you to her for making a fantastic cover and I want everyone to please check out her story I Won't Lose My Fallen Angel, if you don't start tearing up you either have no heart or your a cold hearted bitch, (No offense). If you have read IWLMFA then read the sequel Down Alone In Hell. If you have read that then... I don't know... Go try and fuck yourself, I got nothing. Thank you everybody.



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