Awkward Situations

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Andy's POV:

I woke up his morning and got out of my bunk before going to get some food and get my daily fix of BATMAN!!! I love me some Batman!! anyway II sat down and turned on the tv before putting The Dark Knight into the player and sitting back to enjoy the awesomeness

"Andyyyyy,do you have to have it so lou- Is that Batman???!!!!" Ember said seeing the screen and running to sit down next to me. She is the only one in the bus that shares my love of Batman, she still not as big a fan as me though. No one is... We sat watching it and it was about an hour in when e decided to turn it up because we believed everyone deserved to hear the Jokers explanation on how he got his scars. It's only fair! Everyone came out groaning and Jinxx stood right in front of the tv before turning it off. He was satisfied with himself and he went to get a bottle of water before going back to his bunk.

"Jinxx... please tell me you did not just turn Batman off..." I said in a voice that scared even me. Can I just remind everyone I just got out of bed so I was still in my boxers.

"Yes I did because it was too loud and it woke everyone up." He said before turning to see my face and starting to back up towards the wall, as I slowly got up from where I was sitting.

"Well Jinxx I'm not bad dude, its fine." I said to him smiling slightly.

"Really, your not?"

"Nah man, I'm just going to rip yours balls off before shoving them in your mouth!!!!" I said getting angry again and then Jinxx ran out the bus with me following close behind. I am so lucky for my Gazelle legs because I caught up quickly. I tackled him to the ground and got on top of himbefore i fliped him over. I'm sure this looked increddibly wrong but I am protecting my Idol, so it is acceptable.

"Jinxx if you ever EVER mess with my batman you are de-" I said before someone cleared their throat and cut  me off. I looked to my left to see the many many people who had lined up to see the show today watching me sit on top of Jinxx while we were both in our boxers and nothing else. Oh god save me now!! All of the fans were just staring at us and I'm sure we looked incredibly gay and they probably thought we were coming out of the closet. I blushed andgot off Jinxx before helping him up and we went to walk off. Just then around the corner we saw everyone else come out and they were smart cause they had at least put pants on before they left the bus. Jake, CC and Ash all were topless but had either a pair of trackpants or jeans on. The girls had put jumpers on to cover their pijamas but for them it wasn't toobad. They saw the crowd and us in our boxers and cracked up laughing at us.

"Gee thanks guys, can we leave and get some clothes on now please?" I whined and CC shook his head.

"Nope, our fans want to meet us all, come on guys" He said putting his arm around me and leading me back towards the fans. We started awkwardly signing things and tryng to side hug people.

"So what was that in which we saw earlier Andrew Dennis Biersack?" one of the fans asked me as I was signing her phone.

"It still scares me that the fans found out my full name. And Jinxx turned Batman off while I was watching it in the morning so I said I was gunna rip his nuts off and make him eat them. So he ran and all this happened after we just got up and hadn't changed yet." i explained to her laughing at Jinxx and I's predicament.

"OOk then, but I understand your anger, its Fucking Batman for Christ Sake!!!!!!!"

"EXACTLY!!" I said and laughed as I went to the last fan before we left to go back to the bus. We got back andJinxx and I got some clothes on and CC and Jake put on a t shirt. Ashley was less anamid of this plan.

The day went on as per usual and we chilled around the venue until Jake decided to make a foool of himself. He took Ella off somewhere so they could walk the two of them and long after we here a massive lot of laughing coming from the direction they went. We ran there and we saw Jake sitting on the ground in a massive pile of dog shit. Like not massive dog massiv, as in the piles of shit you see in the elephant enclosure at the zoo. Apparently Jake does know how to stand on his own feet and he fell into a pile of shit. Now we really do know the meaning of front poop, looking at his pants. He stood up and all of us couldn't help but laugh at him. Ella took him back to the bus to change his pants and we just waited for him at one of the stages. When he finally came back he had on a pair of dark denim skinny jeans and was walking, holding hands with Ella.

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