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Before this update starts, can we discuss how I really made it seem like this fic was gonna be on hiatus for like a month when it was only really a week? I really made y'all think you had to wait a long ass time omg-

Anyway, sup y'all! I'm finally ready to announce that I've officially finished revising the previous chapters to the best of my abilities!

I've made it overall look prettier, fixed the dialogue and writing I didn't like, and also edited the grammar and spelling mistakes that I could find upon rereading.

For this new version + continuous way of writing, I suggest reading the fic in Sans Serif (an idea I totally didn't steal from visualbutterflyrae) since imo it makes the story just look overall nicer to look at (especially since I use sans italic for the song quotes)

Now I wanna discuss the rest of this fic. For Arc Two (The Growing Process), I wanna finish it once all the main story threads are over (Q.C and Riley, Huey and Valerie + his new friends, Tahiry and Kiren, Jazmine, Cindy and Leah etc.) funnily enough I give this about 10-15 chapters on estimation to complete (which isnt much in the grand scheme of things), that is when I'll start Arc Three. Arc Three will focus mostly on Riley and the gang, since the main plot I have in mind won't feature the seniors much (they'll still be there though).

Perspective will over all have four arcs, and will officially end when Riley + Renegade graduate high school, but Idk if I wanna do a sequal just yet.

Other than that, I hope you continue to enjoy reading Perspective like I enjoy writing it.


- Ebony

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