Oh my god, I love diss book!

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So, woke up at three this morning after about two hours of sleep, okay? And since I couldn't go back to sleep, I decide to get on Wattpad and read. Since I wasn't able to connect to WiFi, I was stuck rereading old stories I've never even touched in my library. What do I find? A book called "Survival of the Fittest". BEST FUCKING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE STORY I'VE EVER READ ON WATTPAD! YOU, SQUIRRELS, MUST READ THIS STORY! It's by @ladyhearts13! Best fucking zombie story in existance, hands down! Oh, bit of a problem though, IT GOT ME IN SURVIVAL MODE! No joke right now, I got up out of bed at like 4:15, went to the gas station down the road in about two feet of snow, and bought a bunch of non-perishable foods, lighters, medicine, and stuff like that! I'm full-out preparing for this apocalypse shit, people! Hahaha! Never thought I'd say this, @ladyhearts13, but your zombie story is the one ans only zombie story on here that's ever gotten me into this survival mode! EVER! HAHAHAHAHA!

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