32. Discussions

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After Rimuru encountered the weakened Alice in his city he promptly requested the aid of Benimaru to move Alice into the meeting hall. He planned to another discussion with the kitsune but as she had just passed out he thought it would be better than leaving her lying in the middle of the street.

"Back to what I was planning." 

Rimuru gathered his magicules and prepared to envelop the city in another wide range barrier to further increase the success rate of bringing back his people by trapping the souls more securely. 

Placing a hand on the floor his magicules surged around him and above began to form a third barrier which slowly enveloped the city. 

"That should prevent any further dispersal" He thought looking at his work. But there is no rest for him as another message from great sage was received. "Report: Unclear wave length reacting to the third barrier. I suspect a coded electronical signal. Shall I decipher?"

"Please do." With that Great sage cut contact with Rimuru and went about deciphering the signal. At the same time, both Rigurd and Benimaru came running over. "Lord Rimuru!" The hobgoblin shouted on approach.

"This new barrier, my lord." Benimaru asked confused about where it came from slightly concerned it was from another enemy. But Rimuru calmed his worries. "Don't worry. I put it up." he assured putting Benimaru at ease.  Rimuru then turned to address Rigurd. "Gather up everyone, Rigurd."

"Y-Yes, my lord!"

"We're holding a meeting, discussing our future reaction toward the humans. And the resurrection of Shion, Y/N, and the others. Not only that but I wish for Alice to be present although she may be unknown to us she seemed willing to help us with anything she can handle. Benimaru can I trust you to be her guard for the moment. I don't want her left alone until she can be trusted completely." to which he nodded.

Rigurd sprinted off to complete his tasks shouting "Yes, my lord. I will gather them at once!!" but Benimaru seemed to hover around for a few seconds.

Rimuru watched in amazement as Rigurd ran off without question. "He didn't seem as shocked as I thought he'd be. I wondered if he was going to be worried, thinking I'd gone insane."#

"He had a feeling, I bet." Benimaru smirked. "A feeling?" Rimuru looked quizzically at the Kijin beside him.

"All of us had a sense that if anyone could have solved this problem, it would be you." Benimaru smiled confident in his lord's abilities. "I see... Well then. The first thing is to ask her how this came about and decide her fate." Rimuru explained referring to Mjurran (GHHHHHAAAAAAAD I HAVE BEEN SPELLING HER NAME WRONG I AM SO DUMB ORIGINALLY MYULAN SO YOU AINT CONFUSED) who was being accompanied by Grucius and Youm as of that current moment.


In a room sat Mjurran on a bed sitting on its side. In front of her are both Youm and Grucius that seemed to be protecting her in the case of any fight. This felt bad for Youm as he was essentially built up because of the slime in front of him but he loved Mjurran so much he was willing to defy him. But for now, the room was silent waiting for Mjurran to begin her explanation of what she was doing and her goals whilst Rimuru sat in front of her leaning into the palm of his hand whilst resting on the arm of his chair. Benimaru was also standing behind Rimuru whilst Alice sat in a chair off to the side under the surveillance of Benimaru. 

"I am a follower of the Demon Lord Clayman." Her voice was calm and soothing even in the situation she was in where she was being judged for her actions. "I am Mjurran, the ring finger of the "Five Fingers." Rimuru Didn't feel happy at all by the mention of Clayman's name in fact it bothered him severely enough to dampen his mood. He was not the only one to react to the name. Alice seemed to stiffen in her seat and fixed her gaze to the floor. which did not go unnoticed by Rimuru, he would sure to ask her about why she reacted in such a way but for now, decided to leave it. "Go on." He requested.

That time I got reincarnated as a slime: Son of a SlimeWhere stories live. Discover now