22.First day of class.

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How's everyone doing. I haven't touched writing anything for a while since I've been assisting people on Xbox with destiny things cause I got bored and I know I could have written more but I didn't feel like it. So anyway I'm here with another chapter I hope you all enjoy. Rimuru looks good in everything I swear.

Also side note for anyone interested if you play destiny 2 and need help with anything quests, exotic weapons etc hit me up I'll help If I ain't busy. My gt is Jksk9. 

"Well, let us know if you need anything." Kaval said. Him and his group were about leave me and Rimuru to complete our objective which was apparently being a teacher well Rimuru is going to be the teacher whilst I be a extra student since he had insisted on so i wouldn't just be doing nothing durning our stay.

"Sure thing. I will." Rimuru said.

"And send for us if you get lonely, too." Eren brought us both into a tight hug which I wiggled out of. "B-Be well, Sir!!" Gido shouted whilst crying which I think he's just overreacting I'm sure we'll be fine.

After all goodbyes were said I walked alongside Rimuru as we headed to the school called free academy. After the conversation with Yuuki ended we managed to be given a room to sleep in granted we had to share but I didn't care. Another thing we was told is what was wrong with the children we was saving. According to Yuuki all the children were summoned in an attempt to create a champion but they failed to do so when the children didn't gain any skills once summoned so it's similar to my soul breaker skill. Anyway since they didn't gain any unique skill all the energy they have that was meant to grant them skills and powers has nowhere to go so it's burning up their bodies giving them a short life to live. We was informed that they had about one to two years left to live.

Small Timeskip to the next day.

"Well, I'd love to trust you, coming with the chairman's recommendation (Yuuki) and all. But I should warn you those kids will be a handful." I'm currently on my way to the classroom with Dad. On the way there we had a old looking man give us a small guide on the way there. And he didn't seem so sure if Rimuru could handle said class. "And your no more than a child yourself." Said the old man in a nervous tone of voice he was trying not to be rude to us but couldn't let some things slip. 

"I'll be fine. I'm older than I look." Responded Rimuru. "And if I can keep this one under control what's a couple more kids gonna do?" He patted my head whilst he talked. The old man still didn't seem to sure but sighed and moved on.

We soon came to what I presumed was my new class. "Well, here we are." The door to the class was slightly open and at the top of the door was board eraser ready to land on anyone who opened the door. "Oh, no! Another one of these pranks!!" Our guide worried whilst also felt a little embarrassed at his schools students actions.

"Why this is downright adorable." Rimuru chuckled. "Thank you for the tour." We both thanked the old man as he was about to leave. "Er W-Well I'll be going then..."

"Now what should I do about this?" Rimuru wondered aloud waiting for a suggestion. 

"What about just letting it hit you?" I suggest to which he shook his head.

"That's just asking to be disrespected from the start if I do that. I got it I'll dodge it at the last second." With that I watched as Rimuru confidently opens the door only to be met with a orange haired kid to be leaping at him with a flaming sword in hand. "HIYAAH!!" A small shockwave spread out from the impact of his sword hitting the floor missing Rimuru who easily dodged but looked confused and so did I.

"That was awesome, Ken!" Cheered a kid from in the class. I took a few slow steps so I could see into the class. The orange haired kid which his name was Ken proudly raised his sword pointing at the ceiling whilst two other kids applauded him. One was a relatively short black haired kid the other child was noticing taller than the rest of his classmates including me. "That was your ultimate attack, right? You finally finished it!" The tall kid asked. Weren't all this kids meant to be ill or something they look fine to me!

That time I got reincarnated as a slime: Son of a SlimeWhere stories live. Discover now