8. Cheery crimson dragon

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I'm back people until September cause I doubt I can do a level 3 college course aswell as wattpad I'll still try tho, And thanks to everyone reading this since its just passed 1.5k reads yay. Anyway it's time for another chapter. I also know what my next story is going to be but i can't do it yet since I haven't finished the series it's for. Also don't mind Shion up there.

Once we had all made our war back to our city we took he dwarf king Andy some of his subordinates for some drinks. Of course I wouldn't be allowed anything alcoholic due to Rimuru not allowing me to have some. I've always wanted to know what it tastes like.

Other than drinks there was talk about our city having the chance to form a pact with the dwarf kings city. I think it was dwargon or something.

Gazel: "Do you intend to form a pact with me?"

Rimuru face looked like he thought Gazel was crazy.

Gazel: "Don't give me that look. The one that says 'What is this crazy old man thinking?' The layout and construction of this town is fantastic. I'm certain it could be the center of a bustling trade network. Such a place would benefit from an established nation ensuring safety."

Rimuru: "Are you sure? That would mean recognizing a bunch of monsters as a proper nation."

Gazel: "Of course. I am speaking as king. Naturally speaking this offer is not just for charity. It is an agreement that would benefit both sides."

Rimuru: "Are you sure? You're not trying to trick me?"

Gazel: "Fwa ha ha ha! I wouldn't dare attempt to take advantage of the master of a dryad and my exalted teacher in their presence. I have only have two conditions to propose. One, that matters of grave national danger prompt mutual aid. And two, that we share our knowledge and expertise with one another. But there's no need to rush o an answer. Give the idea some time to settle in you mind."

Rimuru: "No need. I gladly accept your offer."

Gazel: "Now that's a king's decisiveness! It's good to see that my fellow student of the sword can uphold our reputation!" He was patting Rimuru on the back a little to hard whilst he said this. "So what is the name of your nation?"

Rimuru: "Well, um it's not technically at the level of a nation yet. I'm the chancellor of the Jura forest alliance, but I'm not a king per se."

Y/N: "Well I would still consider you a king if you ruled this place. Which you do."

Shion: "If any dare to treat lord Rimuru as anything less than a king, they will have me to..." she was beginning to draw her huge sword.

Y/N&Rimuru: "Stop, stop, don't do that put it away."

Benimaru: "But if we're talking about deciding who should lead this country, I think we're all in agreement on lord Rimuru. It's in a monster's nature to obey the greater power but at least among us at wasn't the only reason we decided to follow him."

Rimuru: "Now don't go exaggerating who I am and what I represent. There's still the overseer of the forest here to-"

Treyni: "I think it's a good idea, your majesty."

I then use fox-fire to make a crown a make it float above Rimuru's head aswell as the words "king Rimuru" most people laughed at the sight of Rimuru's trying to get rid of the flames.

Gazel: "You are king here, it seems"

Y/N: "Yeah dad, stop fighting it."

Rimuru: "Doesn't that make you a prince then Y/N if I'm a king." He had a smug look on his face.

That time I got reincarnated as a slime: Son of a SlimeWhere stories live. Discover now