01. Schools Out... It's Party Time.

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School's out for summer.
School's out forever.

I looked into the rear view mirror at Puck who was belting out the song with me. School was out. Finally summer's here. I think after the year we've all just had, it couldn't have come sooner. I glanced to the right at Quinn sat in the passenger seat, staring blankly and uninterestedly out the window as we drove back to mine.

She'd been quiet since we'd left school about ten minutes ago. I was acutely aware of that as Puck and I continued to shout the song playing through my cars sound system. Windows all the way down, and volume up.

School's been blown to pieces.

"I wish" Puck muttered under his breath. I smiled at him. But was all to aware that Quinn seemed off right now.

I left Puck to chant the lyrics at that and nudged Quinn's leg to get her attention. She turned and gave me a smile, but it wasn't a genuine one. It didn't reach her eyes like it normally does when she aims that beautiful smile at me.

Then she proceeded to turn back to looking out the open window as her hair blew in the wind. She was way too quiet. I focussed my attention on the road as we pulled up to a red light. Puck reached through the front seats and turned down the volume.

"So what the plan then, Hastings?" He asked leaning on the back of Quinn's seat, watching me and listening to what was going to happen.

"Well Mom and Dad are taking Riles to Grams house as we speak." I started and pulled off when the light turned green. "Then they're going away some place for their anniversary, for the whole weekend. So we have the house and the backyard to ourselves. Including the pool." I said and Puck fist pumped into the air. We'd agreed on the party being a pool party, to make the most of the weather now that summer is here. Everyone seemed pretty hyped about it. None more than Puck it seemed.

Quinn turned to face us both before rolling her eyes at Puck's actions with either impatience or annoyance. Or both for all I knew.

Something was definitely off.

"Dude, this is gonna be sweet" He said with a shit eating grin. "Pool party. Chicks in hot bikinis."

"Well glee club..." I interrupted. "This isn't for the whole school Puck, we've been over this" I said with authority. No way was I gonna disrespect my parents and get in a shit ton of trouble because this asshole decides to spread the word to the entire school.

"Well yeah, but dude, we have hot girls in glee" He said like I'd missed the point entirely.

"I know... just double checking." I said.

I heard a tut from the seat beside me and saw the pissed off face of my girlfriend.

Oh shit I didn't word that the best...

"So, I'll set up the drinks. I run back to mine at some point and grab the keg I got one of the ladies I pool clean for to buy me the other day," He continued looking all to pleased with himself. "Finn's bringing the Pizza. And wants to make smores around your fire pit later. Like old days apparently." He said rolling his eyes.

"I could go for smores." I added.

"Whatever. Dude I'm here for the booze, the chicks, and the hot round of spin the bottle later." He said and reclined into his seat.

"Whatever dude" I said shaking my head. Not missing the still clearly pissed off face of Quinn, that hadn't gotten any happier with that sentence.

Oh shit.

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