06. Comfortable.

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"Well that was the worst." I ranted as soon a Ryan came back down the stairs. He'd gone to play the gentleman that he always is to help everyone get sorted upstairs. Completely abandoning me down here with all this built up rage toward my so called "friend" that was currently somewhere on the loose in the house as we speak.

"I can't believe some of the things that bitch said tonight." I carried on as Ryan let me rant to myself busying himself by walking around the room and into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Didn't stop me though, in my own little world fuming at the events of the night. "I mean just when I think she can't get any worse than she already is, and she surprises us all by taking things too far as usual." I sigh "You know, sometimes I question why I'm even friends with her in the first place." I scoffed and carried on speaking, mainly to myself at this point, since there was no response from my boyfriend. "Ry are you even listening to me?" I said into the room, not being able to see the bathroom from my place tucked into his bed already.

I heard the toilet flush, the taps turn on for a moment before I heard the click of the light switch turn off before I saw him round the corner and come into my line of sight from the bed I was currently sinking into. I loved his bed.

"You're friends with her... because despite her very, very bitchy moments. You and I both know that she cares about you. And you her..." He said looking at me pointedly. I scoffed at that.

"Right, yeah tonight really sounded like it."

"In her own... fucked up way of caring she loves you, Beautiful" He said with a smile and he pulled his t-shirt over his head, and I momentarily got distracted from the reason why I'm so annoyed in the first place. "Deep... deep down" he laughed, pulling back his side of the covers and sitting down. At seeing his smile and laugh, I couldn't help but laugh with him. He always knew how to calm me down and make me smile.

"I still can't believe some of the things she said" I said shaking my head in disbelief.

"Yeah, I know, she crossed a line. Just ignore her. And believe me she's not getting away with the things she said to you," He agreed and I moved over in the bed to lay my head on his chest as he settled in getting comfortable. His arm coming up around me, and I instantly felt calmer just at his touch. "But... I think you and I both know that something is up with her" he said and I turned to look up at him, my chin still resting lightly on his chest. "Santana's never changed. She lashes out when she's feeling something that scares her, its like a reflex. Its like she doesn't know what to do when she actually experiences emotions. And tonight was no different. You know that" He finished and I frowned in confusion, but I knew he had a point.
"I've known her a little longer than you." He continued. "I think...She sees you with me, and knew that you liked me all those years ago, And like she said, through all the shit that you've gone through and what the old Quinn put people through, she just doesn't understand how you managed to still get what you wanted, after all that." He said and I thought about it for a second.

"So you're saying she's jealous of me?" I smirked. Loving the sound of that.

"In a way yeah" He replied and I could tell he was holding in a laugh at my smug expression. "But Santana can never quite realise what she has right in front of her." He said giving me a pointed look.

"Well, that reminds me of someone." I continued smirking up at him. He playfully glared at me, knowing full well that I meant him. "But yeah. Britt is right there and she's too stubborn to act on it, always has been." I said back and Ryan nodded his head. "I mean it's not like we'd care..."

"If I learnt anything with Dani" He said to me "Then, She needs to come to terms with this on her own. No one can force her. Not even Britt." He said and I nodded, knowing he was right once again.

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