44. Blame It On The Alcohol.

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Monday morning saw most of the club coming in to school with a hangover that had lasted the whole weekend. I was happy I didn't drink too much that night. By the looks of it Finn and I looked like we were the only ones that came off lightly. I was walking through the halls with Puck and Sam, when we all came to a stop where the halls met in the middle. All the club had arrived with sunglasses on. Well everyone but me and Finn. It was pretty amusing.

"How about some Bloody Mary's y'all?" Arie asked holding up a jug.

"Are you kidding me, the last thing I wanna do is drink" Mercedes said.

"It will help your hangover. That's what Bloody Mary's were for" He said unscrewing the lid of the jug. "Hair of the dog, that dog bit you're ass" He said as everyone took their shot of Bloody Mary. Me and Finn passed on it. Not really needing it today.

It actually inspired a number that could be a contender for the alcohol awareness assembly the glee club needed to perform at. Blame It On The Alcohol. It was pretty fun. The auditorium stage was set up like what a club would look like. Where we performed the whole number, dance and everything for Mr Schue.

"Well done you guys!" Mr Schue said clapping "I mean you always bring it with the singing and the dancing. But what I was really impressed with today was your acting. I truly thought that some of you guys were drunk" He said looking at the group.

Yeah acting.

"Well, we take our craft seriously" Artie said to Mr Schue almost slurring his words as he spoke.

"The problem is, that song is great but..." He said "It kind of glorifies drinking don't you think? I mean we're supposed to sing about the dangers of alcohol at the assembly" he finished.

"Well good luck finding a song that does that" Mercedes said, actually slurring her words.

"Mr Schue" Rachel said, walking in between me and Mike, and leaning on us both, yeah she was still slightly drunk "First of all that vest is very cute. You are all kinds of awesome." Yeah definitely still drunk "But second, maybe theres really no songs about the dangers of drinking because theres really none as long as you have a proper designated driver" She stated. Looking up at me and Mike, smiling brightly.

"Has anyone told you how great you two are?" She asked us, looking at us both. Mike walked away as fast as he could back to Tina. Leaving me with a very clingy Rachel. Finn was right she was a needy drunk type. She reached up running her hands through my hair at one point, as I tried to keep her upright in front of Mr Schue, so he didn't catch on that most of the club was actually still drunk. The club were all smirking at me as I tried to get a handle on the girl.

"You have really soft hair" She said to me. I looked over at Finn who was laughing surprisingly. Maybe he'dfinally understood that nothing was happening between Rachel and I. Then I looked over at Quinn warily, who seemed to be staring daggers at me. I raised an eyebrow, but she glared at Rachel and then looked away.

Great. Way to poke the green eyed monster still at large I see.

"Well, Rachel yeah, driving drunk is dangerous. Any of you guys heard of alcohol poisoning? It kills about 400 people every year" He said and the whole club fell silent. Santana started to cry. Shocking most of us.

"Santana, are you crying?" Mr Schue asked looking a little concerned.

"I'm okay" She said waving him off "I'm okay"

Brittany walked over to comfort her.

"You're such a hypocrite" Quinn said to Mr Schue who looked a little taken aback. I would, where the hell did that come from. Why was she suddenly being bitchy. "You drink, Most adults do" She finished. I instantly knew she was talking about her parents. They seemed to always have a drink more often than not when I was round there as a kid. There was obviously some resentment there.

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