39. Back Off.

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After a pretty good performance surprisingly lead by Sue at the end of the week, of My chemical Romance's Sing. Which made Ryan overly excited, when he got to sing lead.

That boy and his rock songs...

I'd finally made it to Friday, without...

"BACK OFF" I head as I came closer to the hall that housed my locker. Quickly followed by a clattering against metal, the sure sound of someone colliding with them, I was sure of it.

"Or what... you'll steal another one of my girlfriends?" The voice said and rolled my eyes when I realised just who tis was.

I was going to say I'd made it to Friday without encountering Finn's attempts to get me to go out with him. I'd barely seen the boy after the last time we'd spoke.

But I guess...I spoke too soon.

"Oh wait... I've run out of girlfriends for you to steal" Finn said.

"Not sure that sentence worked in your favour there buddy" Ryan replied sounding like he was on the edge of a snigger of laughter. The halls were thankfully quiet since most of the school had already gone home. Fridays tend to be like that, the minute the bell rings, everyone leaves without a second glance back at the school.

So they weren't causing a scene thankfully.

"And unlike you I don't need to steal anything from you." Ryan said surprisingly sounding a lot calmer than Finn had been.

"Thats Bullcrap" Finn yelled back.

"Says the guy that turned up to Glee looking very familiar" Ryan replied sarcastically. "What Quinn not giving you the time of day so you resort to looking like me to get her attention?" He said teasing the boy. "Newsflash... don't think it worked."

"I can get Quinn all on own" Finn replied. I stood back and watched as the cousins went back and forth for a moment. Biding my time to intervene. I was also intrigued as to where Finn was going with this. "I did before you didn't I?" He said like it was some big achievement.

"After years of not being able to even speak to her without pissing your pants." Ryan shot back "Does the creepy stare at her till you creep her out normally work for you?" He asked sarcastically.

"She was mine before she was ever yours" Finn said defiantly back. Ryan laughed.

"You sure about that? 'Cause pretty sure she'll argue you on that one." Ryan said cockily. And again sue me. That was hot. Cocky Ryan... wow.

Finn didn't have a comeback to that one.

"Finn face it." Ryan said and I watched as he tried to reach out to place a condescending hand on his shoulder but Finn shoved it off. "She's been basically a free woman for over a week now, and she hasn't picked you, cuz. Move on, and back off of things that don't belong to you." He said.

"What and she belongs to you?" Finn asked.
I raised and eyebrow curiously waiting for Ryan's answer.

"She's not property." He shook his head. "She doesn't belong to anyone, despite what you seem to think. I just put that into terms you might understand. Since the word 'no' doesn't seen to be in your vocabulary. So..." he exaggerated "...Quinn... not yours. Not interested." He said and I knew it was winding Finn up more.

Ryan must have closed his locker as I heard some light footsteps on linoleum and then.

"If she wasn't interested then she wouldn't have made out with me two weeks ago behind your back." Finn shouted after Ryan and the footsteps stopped. Coming to a complete halt.

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