30. New Years Eve

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"Dude you gotta have a New Years Party!" Was the only thing I heard being said to me as soon as I opened my front door. Followed by being shoved aside by a...

... well by a Puck.

"Hello Puck. How are you? Do please come in" I said turning to see him now walking into the kitchen of my house as if he owned the place. I turned and saw a smirking Sam still stood at my door. After a mutual shrug, I just gestured for him to come on in as well.

I'd called for a boys night as a little Christmas thing for us guys. A games night most likely. Maybe a Pizza, who knows.

"Sup dude" Sam greeted and I nodded in recognition as he walked in too. I closed the door behind us and went to find Puck.

"Oh help yourself" I said rolling eyes, as I now watched Puck raiding my refrigerator.

"Dude, you need to go grocery shopping" He said taking out a juice carton and taking a swig straight from it.

"Anything else not too your liking, your highness?" I asked leaning against the side and watching him bite into some leftovers we had in there since Christmas.

"No." He deadpanned, like his behaviour was a normal occurrence. "We need a party." he stated turning and looking at me expectantly. Punctuating that request by squirting some whipped cream into his mouth.

"And I have to be the one to throw it because...?" I asked incredulously. Not quite piecing this conversation together.

"Dude, your parents literally let you do anything." He said.

"I as well as my parents would strongly disagree" I tried but was completely ignored.

"I'd throw it but my mom's been on my case since I got out of Juvie, there's no way in hell she'll let me throw a party if she barely lets me go to the store alone anymore."

"I mean, you did drive off with an ATM the last time you did that" Sam pointed out.

The look on Puck's face as he stared at Sam. Then turned to me. I shrugged in response, agreeing with Sammy Boy.

"Point of the matter. Hastings. You throw good parties. It would be Glee Club only, like always. Your parents basically know half the glee club, this is an all win, no loose situation. Santana is convincing the girls as we speak..."

"I'm sorry Santana knew about this before I even did?" I interrupted. "Dude this is my house, which I wouldn't think it was, with mister make yourself at home over there" I said as he opened a cupboard and took out a bag of chips, guzzling down a healthy amount before looking at back at me innocently.

"I just think we need to start the year as we mean to go on" He said setting aside the chips for a moment. I didn't fail to noice the slight pattering of chip dust on his shirt. "What better way, in making the club stronger, than a good old fashioned Puckzilla party."

"In my house." I said incredulously. He nodded and looked over to Sam for help.

I turned to face the blonde haired boy too, who looked slightly fearful but hopeful at me.

I sighed, knowing that I wasn't going to get out of this one without one hell of a fight from Puck.

And Santana apparently.

And no one wants that.


And so that's how I found myself getting ready for a glee club party. Almost against my will at this point. And we all know how these parties normally turn out.

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