50. Backfired.

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I can't believe that boy. I just... I'm speechless.

Totally speechless.

He amazes me all the time. I literally couldn't hold back the tears watching him up there. For one, him singing that song for me. And two just seeing him absolutely loving being up there.

Just Performing. He's born to do it. No doubt about it.

I continued watching him from where I was sat before I heard...

"You're seriously one lucky girl Quinn" spoken from to me. I turned to see Tina was the one that said it, wistfully looking over at Mike who had gone with the guys to congratulate Ryan on his performance. I looked away shyly for a moment.

"Yeah the boy obviously still has it bad for you Q" Santana said "Even if you are a two timing bitch" She snarked and I held my ground ignoring her comment.  I'm not rising to it. Not after that.

I turned to look at the other girls reaction and didn't fail to see the look on Rachel's face as she watched the guys talking down the front of the stage. Her eyes glued to the back of Finn's head.


"So what do you wanna wear for prom?" I asked and I leant against the locker next to Ryan's. Sliding into his peripheral vision as he sorted through his belongings. He turned and raised an eyebrow at me in question.

"Aren't I supposed to ask you to prom?" He said with narrowed eyes my way.

"What a girl can't ask for what she wants for once?" I shrugged. He laughed.

"And what exactly do you want?" He asked me seriously.

"To be on top" I said defiantly. Raising an expectant eyebrow.

His eyebrows rose in surprise. Before a smirk formed on his lips.

Really Ryan?

"On top of where exactly?" He asked suggestively raising his eyebrows at me.

"Mind out of the gutter" I said with a smirk back "although I definitely know you like a girl on top don't I, Ry" I flirted and said in hushed tones so no one would hear us. He coughed in surprise I'd say that here in the hall.

As he recovered I continued.

"I think if we run for prom King and Queen. We could rule this place." I said with a smile looking around at the students darting around the corridors. His smile faltered a little. "What, you don't?" I asked worriedly.

He looked at me with a thoughtful look before breaking eye contact, so I tried again.

"We need to get elected for Prom King and Queen. It's the ultimate status symbol. So after Regionals, we'll go public with our relationship again and start the campaign" I said with a smile. I had this all planned out. It would be like something out of a fairytale. My dream come true.

Why was he not excited about this?

He looked back at me and then closed the locker door and turned to heavily lean back against the cream coloured metal.

"Ry? Whats going on?" I asked again. "I thought that..."

"Is that all this is about?" He asked looking slightly hurt and little impatient. Gesturing between the two of us.

"About what?" I asked. "What do you mean?"

"Being with me. Is it all for show. Is me dating The Quinn Fabray only about keeping up appearances and ruling the school with an iron fist, because I'm not sure exactly when I signed up for that..." He said seriously.

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