55. Prom Queen.

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So its Junior Prom at the end of this week. Every Junior in this shitty school has gone prom crazy. Well every girl anyway. I think the guys just want to get it all over with. The girls in glee haven't stopped talking about dresses and tiaras and corsages, and the perfect dance. 

The perfect day.

I really couldn't care less about Prom. 

The halls were crazy at the moment, everyone so hyped for the night. Mine and Quinn's face as well as other Prom royalty were plastered over the notice boards and lockers. I was walking down the hall to find the guys stood by said lockers. I stopped and looked at all their faces. They looked about as happy as I did.

"What's with the faces?" I asked, and they looked up at me.

"Prom." Finn said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I mean it's just prom... and the girls have gone crazy over it." Mike said looking around at the pandemonium around us in confusion.

"Yeah I'm with you on that one, I don't see what the big deal is personally." I said laughing. 

"Dude don't let your Promzilla girlfriend hear you say that. Mr Prom King. " Puck said looking at me like I'd lost my mind. "And you can help me spike the punch when we're there. Keep you from going stir crazy all night with baby mama..." He said with an evil looking smile.

"How many times have I gotta tell you not to call her that?" I said glaring at him. He surrendered with his hands in the air.

"Okay I retreat, Prince charming." He said "I'm just saying if the girls have gone crazy over this thing. Then your girl is about to go insane." He said making a face at me. 

"Tread carefully Fuckerman" I warned him.

"Come on we have glee" Finn said nudging us along. 

"Oh joy" I rolled my eyes and followed along to the choir room.


Everyone was turning up to glee in drips and drabs today. I looked up from my seat to see that Santana, Lauren and Brittany were just walking through the door. 

"I've been to Ann Taylor Loft, Filene's Basement, and like six Forever 21s and I can not find a dress that fits." Lauren said to the other two ex cheerleaders. "I'm gonna be forced to make my own dress for prom" She said looking a little downhearted.

Kurt then entered the room, listening to the girls conversation.

"Don't" Brittany said to Lauren seriously "You'll seem poor."

"You're up for Queen, you can't make your own prom dress." Santana interjected "Prom is like our Oscars. It's seriously, like, the most important night of our lives" She said and I had to agree with that. I've been dreaming about the perfect prom since I was a kid. Looking forward to my Junior and Senior prom's for so long. And now its finally here. I have the perfect dress. The perfect guy. I really want it to be perfect.

Speaking of the perfect guy. He rounded the corner and walked into the room looking like he was in his own little world. As his eyes looked up for a place to sit he spotted me sat in the middle and winked. I smiled at him as he walked over automatically taking a seat next to me. 

"What about getting married?" Lauren asked, which brought me out of my Ryan induced thoughts.

"Oh, you can get married as many times as you want." I said to her voicing my opinion on the matter. "You only have one shot at Junior Prom." I stated looking at Lauren on the row in front of me. I then looked around at the others in the room. My eyes locking with Ryan who looked both confused and slightly offended at what I had said. I looked away from him as the girls carried on talking. 

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