10. You Really Are Soft.

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Quinn was having some "well needed girl time" with Santana and Brittany today. We were currently waiting for San to pick her up so they could head to the mall. Since the whole argument at the party situation. Quinn had managed to talk me down from having a strong word with Santana. It still annoyed me how she seemed to think it was okay to take her frustrations out on Quinn. But Quinn told me it was fine.

A horn sounded outside the house and I looked out the window as San pulled up on the street outside. I grabbed the house key and walked out to meet her at the car. She hadn't bothered getting out the car. As always. Typical San.

"Well Quinn... you look pretty different today did you do something different with you hair?" Santana asked sarcastically at me. I didn't respond and carried on until I was on the drivers side of the car.

"She's upstairs, taking a year to decide what to wear. I gave up after the third outfit and left her to it. I mean how hard is it to find something to wear to the mall?" I shrugged. "I told her she'd look fine in anything..."

"Ouch, big mistake" She said to me all knowing. I rolled my eyes. "Bet she bit your head off on that one."

"And then some. She shoved me out the bedroom door and told me to fuck off." I said remembering the events that happened about twenty minutes ago.

"That's our Q" Santana snorted. It went quiet and then I noticed that Britt wasn't in the car. "Where's Britt?" I asked. I got another eye roll from the Latina in the drivers seat.

"She had something to do" She said with a scoff.

"Vague" I said back.

"Yeah" She said angrily "She thinks I don't know... that she's not meeting up with.." She went to say and then caught herself, realising she'd probably said a little too much. Then she went silent again.

"San" I said to her and leant on the top of her car. She frowned and shoved me off. "Hands off my baby" She warned.

I held my hands up at her in surrender.

"San, we've known each other for ages now." I started tentatively. Santana's like a live wire, a ticking time bomb. She'll blow up and fly off the handle if you're not careful. So I eased into it. "I know you. I know how defensive you get when things are getting to you."

"You going soft on me Hastings" She said trying to hide that she was upset, as always.

"Don't deflect." I said "Its okay to admit that you need a friend. That you need to talk. I am here, if you need me." I said with a small smile. She looked defiantly out the windshield of her car. Avoiding looking in my direction.

"And I know that you'll never admit to any of that. But Santana.." I said and she turned to me again when she heard my serious tone, and the use of her full name. "If you talk to Quinn like you did at the party again, I won't be as nice next time. I stood back because Quinn asked me to and we both know she can handle herself." She knew I was serious. "We're all going through things, San. Quinn more than anyone right now, you know that. She doesn't need you tearing her down, she needs you to be there. And I know you clash, and but heads, but I know deep down you love each other. And I'm grateful that you're doing this today. Giving her a break. I mean she spends so much time with me, she needs her girls." I said and I knew she was listening.

"I know." She said simply.

"...And like I said I know somethings bothering you. I know you're going through something too, and I think I have an idea of what judging by your little outburst there." She glared at me. "Which I will not voice put loud" I said and she calmed slightly. "but if and when you're ready, you know Quinn and I are here for you." I said with a nod. "But you have some serious making up to do in my book so..."

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