35. Kissing Booth.

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You know valentines really couldn't have come at a worse time. I'd spent most of the last weekend, on autopilot, completely numb.


If I'm not at school, drifting through my day without purpose, then I'm at home, locked in my room, trying to stop crying every few minutes.

When everything reminds me that Ryan and I are not together right now.

I won't lie, when he first said all those things, and said we should take a break, I genuinely wanted to slap him. I wanted to shout and scream at him. But the next day I could understand what he meant.

We'd both been miserable. We'd both been unintentionally making each other miserable. And what relationship would thrive in those conditions. A toxic one. And that is not a word I'm prepared to use when it comes to anything to do with Ryan.

But just because I now understood, didn't mean it hurt any less.

And what was worse. Finn hadn't left me alone since.

It was probably a bad idea to air all of our problems out in front of the guy that seemed to have fuelled that fight. But in the heat of the moment I dont think Ryan or I remembered the guy was there half the time.

I wish I never let Finn talk to me in that hallway.

Now he's so hung up on the fact I said I loved him. And with Ryan basically breaking up with me in front of him, he now seems to think he stands a chance. And isn't shy about voicing that.

I was dreading Glee this morning...


With everyone pretty much coupled up in Glee, it was like a love fest from the moment I walked in. Gifts everywhere. Decorations not only all over the school, but apparently in here too.

I just couldn't escape it, it seemed. And this was here to stay all week.


I sat down and just worked on getting through today in one piece. I noticed Ryan was yet to appear.

Finn tried to look casual as he sat down in the chair next to mine, with a smirk in my direction.

I rolled my eyes and continued to stare straight ahead. Movement at the door catching my eye, As the brown haired boy that broke my heart, walked through the door, currently lost in his phone. He stopped when he passed through the door frame and looked at the chairs in front of him. Weighing up his options.

I saw him gulp.

We hadn't told the Glee Club we're taking a break. And I know that the last thing he'd want is the Glee Club knowing that. They'd have a field day with that information. So it was either sit next to me and act like normal. or avoid me and get interrogated by the glee club masses.

I looked at Ryan, then at the chair next to me. Then subtly looked around the room at the only other chair free. Next to Lauren. And I for one know that secretly Ryan is a little terrified of the girl. He steeled himself and walked towards the chair next to mine.

Thats what I thought.

He took a seat and let his back hit the floor beside him. It was the first time I'd seen him all weekend. The longest we'd been apart since we've been together. Even when we were arguing. We'd never go more than two days max. So when he sat, I got a sudden hit of his cologne. I'd missed that.

We didn't say anything, and before we knew it Mr Schue was starting this weeks lesson.

"Right guys I have one word for you" Mr Schue announced. He had written love in a love heart on the whiteboard.

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