41.Rachel's Trainwreck Party

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Quinn: You going?

Word had spread among us Glee Kids that Rachel was throwing her first ever party. Everyone was in two minds about going. I mean yeah granted, Rachel is new on the party scene. She may have been to a party but she's never thrown a party before.

Ryan: Are you?

Quinn: Ry, are you going?

Ryan: Probably, yeah.

Quinn: Good because I don't want to go on my own.

Ryan: Alright woman, I said I'm going.

Quinn: Good. Pick me up at 7.

I laughed to myself.

Ryan: So demanding.

Quinn: Always.


When seven o'clock came around I pulled up to Quinn's house on the dot and walked up to the door. Knocking gently.

Judy Fabray waked up to the door spotting me. I smiled a charming smile at her through the slightly frosted glass, as she opened the door. I didn't know if Quinn had told her about the break we were currently on so kept a polite smile on my face just in case she knew nothing of it.

"Hello, Ryan. Long time no see." She said with a smile of her own "Come on in" She said gesturing for me to walk into the foyer of the house. I smiled as I walked passed.

"Quinn will be down in just a moment."
She looked like she was going somewhere herself to be honest. She looked a lot more put together than I was used to her being when I came over.

"You look lovely, Judy" I said with a smile her way "You off anywhere nice?" I asked trying to make small talk.

"Oh thank you Ryan. It's nothing, I'm just meeting a few friends in town" She said with a smile, and brushing the complement off.

"It's not nothing... I'm sure you'll have a great time." I said with a smile.

"Thank you, and speaking of a great night. Make sure that one has one." She said moving a little nearer and lowering her voice, pointing in the direction of the stairs. Obviously meaning her daughter.

"I'll be sure of it" I said reassuringly with a smile.

"You promise?" She said with that same eyebrow raise as her daughter. It's always run in the family you see. And as intimidating as always.

"I promise" I said with a wink.

"What are you two whispering about?" We heard from the stairs in front of us. I looked up and found Quinn walking towards us. She was wearing a dress with a denim jacket over the top. Her hair was down and had a slight wave. I smiled. Judy turned to look at her daughter as well with a proud smile on her face.

"Nothing Quinnie" She said going over to Quinn and giving her a kiss on the forehead goodbye. Quinn smiled at her and then looked over at me. I was still watching her, my eyes never left her as he mom spoke. She looked beautiful. I saw her look at me as well.

I didn't really dress up for the occasion. I was just in some straight cut black jeans, that were slightly fitted, and a white t-shirt. I also kind of needed a hair cut at some point. But I saw her look at me up and down to see how I looked. An approving smile or smirk on her face as she did so. I smirked at that.

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