34. I don't think I can do this.

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Everyone was on a high from last night.

McKinley Titans actually have a name around here. We actually have respect. Even the teachers had been going easy on us all day today. Lessons were a breeze. The day felt like it had flown by when the end of the day came around.

Quinn came over last night, to celebrate with my family. We'd all gone out for dinner with Finn and Kurt and Auntie Carole and Burt. It was nice.

Although kind of disconcerting with the glances Finn kept sending my way, or more specifically Quinn's for that matter.

I knew that look. We all knew that look. It was the same look he'd give her from a far as a kid. A boy with a crush. I just refused to let it get to me. Refused to let it be a problem.

It wasn't a problem.

Every time I saw the glare he was giving off towards me, I chose to ignore it. And last night was about celebrating. We didn't need any added drama. But I couldn't help but sense something was coming, I'm not and idiot. I just hate to think what.

I just knew things seemed tense. Off.

Something wasn't right.

But then having Quinn place her hand on my thigh under the table tended to ease any of my concerns. And when she'd lean into my side every now and then, and physically move my arm so it was wrapped around her shoulders in my usual embrace when it came to her was comforting as she listened intently to another one of Mom and Auntie Carole's stories of 'back in the day'.

It was difficult to think that we'd been having problems and arguing constantly when being told by Kurt throughout the night, that we were 'so cute" and 'adorable'. Even though at times it was kind of humiliating when it garnered everyones attention around the table. It was pretty easy to forget all of that with how much Quinn seemed to be all over me that night.

But it was still there.

Still unspoken.

And Finn watching everything with a smug grin on his face, from two places away wasn't helping things. Snorting whenever Kurt would comment his thoughts on our relationship. Quinn trying her hardest to calm me down at my side.

When school came around the next day, it was weird again to see her in normal clothes. As it was with Santana and Brittany too. I'd become so used to seeing them all cheerio uniform clad. But it was a welcome change. Quinn looked visibly more relaxed. An underlying sadness there of course. It was the end of a chapter for her. But she seemed calm. She seemed okay, and I actually got to see her multiple times throughout the day. Which was kind of nice. We spent lunch together with the Glee Club. Had some classes together.

It was good.

Right now we're getting ready for a night in watching movies, like we used to. I feel like it's needed. We need to spend some time just us. Where no one's getting in the way.

No drama.

I'd agreed to meet her at her locker at the end of the day and we'd drive back to mine together.

It's always dangerous to say it, because sit can change in a instant but...

Things seemed to be looking up.

Rounding the corner towards the hall with the junior lockers, and subsequently mine and Quinn's hallway, as I've come to think of it. Ever since asking her to wear that ring on her finger. I came to a stop when I heard familiar voices.

I stopped completely and even though I probably shouldn't have lingered I couldn't help but want to hear what this particular voice had to say.

I clenched my jaw as the voice continued to speak...

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