25. We're Family Now.

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"Come on guys, The wedding was great, but we have got to get ready for sectionals next week." Mr Schue said walking into the choir room the Monday after the wedding.

"Kurt, good, I want to talk to you about this amazing idea I had for a solo at sectionals." Mr Schue said turning to the boy who was just now walking into the room.

Where had he been he was nearly as punctual as Rachel with these glee club meetings. Always one of the first ones in the room.

I smiled at the boy at what Mr Schue had just offered him. That was literally his dream in this place. To beat Rachel to a solo. But I instantly frowned a the look on the kid's face. He didn't look happy in the slightest.

"Somethings wrong." I whispered with a furrowed brow, and Quinn turned to look at me with a question in her gaze. Then turning back to front and watching this exchange closely like I was.

"Can I make an announcement first." Kurt asked timidly.

"Yeah" Mr Schue smiled and moved away, allowing Kurt to take the floor.

He turned to us fully this time, and the kid looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"First, I wanted to thank everyone for what you did at my dads wedding." He said and smiled at every one of us. "Especially Finn." He said looking at his new brother. Who matched Rachel's proud snake when he looked at her. "And Ryan. And Puck... Carole literally hasn't stopped talking about your little reunion all weekend." he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes like normal.

I nodded at him telling him it was okay. Quinn snuggling more into my side as I did so. Her silent way to tell me she was also proud of me.

"Its nice to know that I have great friends here." Kurt continued. "...as well as a true brother" he again looked at Finn. "... and cousin." He smiled at me.

I winked back at him.

But I was wary to where this was heading.

Why did it sound a lot like a goodbye speech...?

"Which is why it's so hard for me to leave." He finished.

I knew it.

But why?

"What do you mean leave?" Quinn said worriedly from her place at my side. Voicing my thoughts. The was a pregnant pause before he spoke again.

"I'm transferring." He cleared up. "To Dalton Academy... immediately." He said with tears welling up in his eyes yet again.

Most of the glee club we either sat there in the same state as Kurt, tears threatening to spill over. Or in complete shock. Stoic. Not knowing what to say.

"My parents are using the money they saved up for their honeymoon to pay for the tuition." He continued much to the dismay of us.

"Kurt, you can't leave" Tina was the one brave enough to voice her opinion.

"What the hell dude?" Finn asked getting up looking confused as ever. "How about you talk with me about this first" He said walking over to Kurt.

"I'm sorry Finn, but there's nothing to talk about" He replied. "Karosfsky's coming back tomorrow,"

Since when? Thought he got suspended. How was just a few days fair. He's been making the guys life hell here.

"...so that means I won't be." He said shaking his head.

"We can protect you." San said with promise in his voice.

"Seriously, we can, like, form a perimeter around you like the secret service." Puck added.

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