03. You Sure About That, Q?

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The silence was deafening.

And the stares we're getting more and more uncomfortable the longer the silence went on.

"So.... Are you gonna tell us all that you've finally realised that you two are sickeningly and disgustingly in love with each other or... are the two of you still burying your heads so far down in the sand?" Santana asked, probing for more and more information from us.

Ryan still wasn't saying a word.

I looked at the boy and he was still silently telling me to tell them.

But were we ready for the onslaught of questions that were bound to come and the endless drama that the club seem to think they're entitled to being apart of.

I mean so far these couple of months have been absolute bliss. For years I had loved being in the spotlight. The centre of attention at McKinley High. I was part of the 'it' couple when I was with Finn. I loved people looking at my relationship and aspiring to be us. Jealous that I was with the Quarterback. I loved being the one that everyone envied.

But having your dirty laundry aired around the school, when you've made one mistake. And then coming crashing down not so gracefully from the top of the social pyramid, definitely makes you reevaluate everything and appreciate the small things.

And what I've appreciated over these last couple months with Ryan, is privacy. A very select few knew about us, and honestly it's been the happiest I've ever been. The last thing I'd want is for people sticking their noses into things that don't concern them.

The looks from the whole Glee Club right now are really proving my point. All of them expectantly waiting for the next piece of gossip. The next hottest couple. I wasn't ready to let mine and Ryan's relationship be criticised and questioned by the gossips of this club. They'd have a field day with it.

"We've been over this." I started and saw the wary look from Ryan as I began the sentence. "Ryan and I are just friends." I finished. Sounding a lot less convincing than I intended. Let's just hope they don't see through it. "We're just best friends" I said secretly holding my fingers in a crossed position behind my back where no one could see.

I felt Ryan move away from me. Looking down into the clear blue water of the swimming pool with an indifferent facial expression. He'd gone quiet. And quiet was never a good sign with Ryan.

I watched him as he leant back against the side of the pool clearly avoiding eye contact with me.

He was hurt.

I knew he was.

But I didn't mean to hurt him. This is what's best for us. We need to be in a place where we can handle all the drama that the Glee Club is going to inevitably throw at us the minute they know we're together. This was for us. I was doing this for us. I looked at the rest of the club and saw them eyeing the both of us with uncertainty.

"You sure about that?" Kurt asked and I could tell he was fishing for more "because now that Santana has brought it up again. You two would make a really cute couple." He said with a smile "... even if I am slightly jealous" he winked.

I looked at Ryan and he chuckled slightly.

"Yeah you sure about that Q?" Santana asked eyeing me suspiciously. If there is one person I'm most nervous about convincing here, it's Santana. I've been friends with her for as long as I have been with Ryan, and we know each other... really well. Santana and I know when the other is lying about something. We know our telling signs. So if someone would suspect something it would be her.

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