51. Regionals.

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It was the day of Regionals. We were here. Finally. All gathered backstage before our time slot to perform. We'd just watched The Warblers and Kurt perform and they were good, but I had a good feeling about this. The song me and Rachel were about to sing was a kick ass song. We could do this. We might actually have a shot at this. Going to New York. It was so close I could taste it. I was back stage when I saw Finn and Rachel meet up. I didn't mean to over hear, but I did nonetheless.

"Hey, Break a leg" Finn said sweetly to Rachel.

"Last time we were here, you told me you loved me" Rachel replied without another beat. Finn looked slightly taken aback by the statement.

"I really like you're song" He said smiling, kind of side stepping the heavy topic Rachel had just left in the air around them. One thing me and the big guy did have in common. When the going gets tough, we tend to run a hide from our feelings.

"Listen carefully, because I mean every word of it" She said and I smiled. She wasn't over that guy, and he sure wasn't over her. I just wish they'd both get over themselves and be together. It sure would save us all a lot pain and hassle. Huh, I wonder if people thought that about Quinn and I. I wonder if people still do...

I shook my head and smiled looking back into the mirror trying to fix my hair. In the corner of the mirror something caught my attention. I looked up and over and saw Quinn looking back at me smiling slightly. Sadly. Unsurely. Like she didn't quite know how to approach me.

"I'm sorry" She said and I didn't reply at first. Those words were rare when it comes to Quinn Fabray. She walked over gaining the confidence when I failed to say anything back. As she neared, I spoke up,.

"Not really the person to be apologising to..." I said and carried on fiddling with my hair.

A moment passed.

"Stop" She said and I looked around to face her, she gestured for me to stop touching my hair and for her to help. I let her. "I love your hair, but you really don't know what you're doing when it comes to products" She said running her fingers through my hair. I watched her as she concentrated. She kept self consciously looking at me as I did.

"What? Have I got something on my face?" She asked self consciously. I shook my head in silence.

"She's back" I said with a smile up at her as she stood in front of me. I was sat down and she was stood in between my legs. She stopped and looked at me confused. "The girl I know. The girl I fell in love with." I said with a small smile after a beat.

"If I tell you something, don't laugh okay, I'm being serious" She said "I know you Ry, Nothing Sarcastic, this is me trying to be truthful with you" She warned me. I made a my lips are sealed gesture. Then waited for what she wanted to say. "You know I struggle with letting people in..." she said and I desperately wanted to say something but held back when she glared at me to do so. "I struggle to let them see the real me because I'm afraid. and it took me so long to fully let you in and I trust you more than anyone in this world." She paused "The Quinn that you love..." She paused again and looked at me "Only appears when you're around Ry, always has, not many people get to get to see her the way you do." She said looking shyly at me through her eyelashes. I stood up so I was taller than her again. She looked down shyly as I did and took a step back. I corrected it and took a step forward, lifting her chin with my finger again.

"Then maybe you need to spend more time with me, because I think other people would love her NEARLY as much as I do." I said with a smirk. She looked up at me in disbelief and smiled. I smiled back "Break a leg, Gorgeous." I said cheekily with a wink, kissing her on the forehead, and walking off backwards to take my place.

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