28. A Very Glee Christmas.

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"I'm sorry but it still sucks." I deadpanned back at the screen to Dani, who was barely tolerating me but the look of it. If her unamused face was anything to go by.

"Dude," She said with a raised eyebrow at me. I shrugged in response. "You're surrounded by your family. You're spending the first Christmas in years with the girl of your dreams."

"In Ohio" I said back unenthusiastically.

"Yes... Granted in Ohio, but still. I remember the first Christmas you were here in NY, and you were so grumpy, and cranky because you weren't there. Oh how times have changed." she said back to me with a smirk.

I stared back at her through the screen with a blank expression.

"What's Quinn got to say about this?" She asked. "Bet she's loving your moody ass self" She said with a snort of laughter.

I broke eye contact and looked away from the screen for a moment.

"Your avoiding her." She accused, smirk dropping. I man she wasn't wrong. "Ryan. Seriously. I know I might call you a dickhead all the time but doesn't mean you have to live up to the name." She said and sighed.

"I'm not avoiding as such...I just..." I paused searching for the right words. "Quinn... she's always loved Christmas, Okay it's like her favourite time of year. Always has been since I've known her. And I know that me, obviously not feeling in the Christmas spirit right now..." I paused. "I'm only gonna bring her down. Okay she's happy. And I'm..."

"Moody as fuck." She finished for me.

"Fuck off Dani"

"Case and point" She smirked back.

I shook my head.

"Look, dude... so what if you're not getting the New York Christmas experience this year, and you're wallowing in self pity because you can't be with my beautiful self right now. But you have so many people around you. Okay. People that obviously love you. How about instead of being an asshole about it and sulking every chance you get about something that isn't going to change anytime soon. You just get your shit together and try to enjoy it." She said and I sat and thought about it for a moment.

She was right.

"If you say this is Quinn's favourite time of year..." She paused in true dramatic Dani fashion. "Give her another reason to love it. This is her first Christmas with you too, don't suck all the fun out of it."

I nodded begrudgingly. I knew I needed to suck it up. It was Christmas in Ohio this year. I mean yeah we had it last briefly year. But back then everything was so new and I was so hyped to be back with my grandparents that Christmas kind of flew by. I don't really get. A uncle to realise that New York wasn't on the cards.

But this year.

Man I was missing New York at Christmas this year. I don't know it just suddenly hit me this year.

"And you'll always have a Christmas Skype session with me on Christmas Eve to look forward to." She smirked.

"Oh joy" I sarcastically deadpanned back.

"Yeah love you too Dickhead! Now get your ass to school!" She shouted at me. I'd Skyped her out of the blue this morning, determined to just sit in bed in self pity. But she'd convinced me to grow a pair and go in today. "Stop being a baby, and go see that hot girl of yours." She said with a much more evil looking smirk. Knowing full well that would get a rise from me.

"Just coz I'm not in the mood for Christmas this year... doesn't mean I'll let that slide." I warned with a glare her way. She laughed.

"Catch you later dude" She smiled.

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