52. Night Of Neglect.

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The next glee club meeting, we were all gathered on the risers waiting for Mr Schue to start the lesson of the week as per usual. What was different was he started writing a math equation on the board. Was this weeks lesson math, because I can only take so much math.

5,000 x .25 + 20,000

We all sat and waited for him to elaborate on that one.

"Alright, we need 5,000 dollars to pay for nationals in New York." He said turning around to face us all.

"What happened to the money we got from the cheerios?" Quinn asked with a confused face.

"Uhh, I guess Sue is hiding it in off shore accounts in the Caiman Islands, we're having trouble accessing some of it. All of it" He said and we all looked on confused. He turned to pick up something off the piano.

"This is salt water taffy" He stated.

"Ahh, I love salt water" Brittany muttered to the group from her seat.

"When I was a student here, we paid for our entire trip to Nationals selling this." He said throwing a sweet to Finn, then Mike, then Me, and the rest of the glee club in turn.

"Classroom to classroom. Door to door. We pushed this stuff like crack. And so will we." He said looking at us with a smile. We weren't so convinced.

"So, to make 5,000 dollars, at 25 cents a piece. We need to sell 20,000 pieces of taffy."

I opened the 'taffy' and tasted it. It wasn't the best, put it that way.

"How this stuff is horrible" I said spitting it back out into the wrapper. "It's so chewy" I said looking back at him with a confused frown.

"Do you honestly think that we can sell 20,000 anythings? I mean we won Regionals for the first time since dinosaurs roamed the planet, and I still got a freaking cherry icy facial." Santana concluded.

"Yeah, Santana is right. Nobody cares about us" Quinn said looking at the club for their agreement.

"I can't listen to this" Mike said getting up out of his seat, looking  a little agitated to be honest.

"Mike, you okay?" Mr Schue asked.

"No" He said looking back at us all "You guys complain all the time about being mistreated. But you have no idea what its like to work your butt off for something, to have everyone, even your friends ignore you" He said and we all looked back at him slightly lost.

"I'm still trying to remember his name right now" Lauren said to Puck.

"Artie, Tina, Brittany and I are on the Brainiacs" Mike announced with Tina, Artie and Brittany joining him at the front of the room.

"Isn't that the academic decathlon team?" Rachel asked.

"Wait, we have one of those?" Finn asked, chewing a piece of taffy.

"Yes, we do and the four of us went on the smarty pants show and beat Carmel High to go to the academic decathlon finals in Detroit next week." Artie said and we all looked at each other impressed.

"Wait, you guys were on TV?" Sam asked. They all nodded back at him. "Well, why didn't you tell us about it?"

"We did" They replied back, all but Brittany, who looked a little lost. As did we, trying to remember when they had told us all.

"I get the three of you being on the team..." Mr Schue said pausing for a second.

"Because two of them are asian and Artie wears glasses?" Puck asked him.

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