21. Never Been Kissed.

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"Dude , How do you stand that cold tub?" Finn asked Sam in the locker rooms after football practice. Everyone was currently in the men's locker rooms getting ready to leave for the night. Sam, who seemed to either still be affected from the Rocky Horror fiasco last week or just genuinely gives himself a hard time keeping in shape, had drawn himself an ice bath as soon as we were let go for the night.

Insane. Is. An. Understatement.

"I get used to cold showers dating girls. I mean Brooke finally gave me chance..." Sam replied matter of factly. Which immediately pricked my ears. He went on to tell us what usually happens when making out with said ex of mine. Which I really didn't need the mental image of. I really didn't need to know what she was up to with fish lips. So I took that moment to zone out.

I busied my self as I stood by my locker packing up some pieces of uniform to take home into my duffle bag. I really didn't want to be dragged into this conversation. But couldn't help but over hear, what with the way the guys seemed to love locker room talk, and would almost always talk on high volume. Just to make a statement that they were men. They had girls.

I shook my head at the thought, tuning back into the conversation when Finn spoke next.

"Been there, dude. Actually still there now. How did we find the only two girls in high school that won't put out?" Finn asked.

Really cousin?

"Wait hold up... maybe three I don't think we're the only ones..." He was quick to say and then turned to me expectantly. I turned informing him, not wanting him to address me.

It didn't work.

"I bet Quinn, gives you a hard time. Right cuz?" Finn smirked. "She always did with me" he said again.

"Yeah... I really dont need to listen to..."

"Calm down blue balls" Puck shouted over.

"Fuck off!" I shouted over to him and he chuckled.

"What's her power motto again?" Finn asked "Its all about the teasing..."

"Not about the pleasing" Puck finished.

And I launched the football I had just inside my locker at him and he caught it just before it could connect with his face.


I clenched my jaw at where the conversation seemed to be headed.

"You a little frustrated there Mr Celibate By Proxy?" Puck smirked again throwing the football from one hand to the other.  I turned back to my locker to ignore them all. "I'm just saying... no way have you gotten further than..."

"Do you really want to finish that sentence?" I interrupted not even turning to face him this time. I heard him laugh.

"I'm just saying..." He said flinging the football back into my locker, making a clattering sound as it crashed into other things hanging in there. It narrowly missed my face. Just to annoy me more.

"Can we take you back to Juvie?" I asked turning and glaring at him. He laughed again.

"Its not a freaking hotel" He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"What's up Hastings?" He said walking over to me and slinging an arm over my shoulders and acting sympathetic "Your hand not doing it for you?" He smirked at me. I aggressively shook him off. I'd had enough now.

"What do you do, though?" Sam asked us boys. Well, mainly Finn. "You know when you're making out and things get a little too hot and heavy and you know you're not gonna get any..." He asked slightly embarrassed.

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