09. I Don't Share.

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"Quinn, Hurry Up" I heard being shouted up the stairs at me. Just knowing that Ryan is downstairs at the front door getting antsy and impatient. I was currently frantically looking for my trainers. Since giving up the cheerios (Well being thrown off the team) I'd basically thrown them in the back of the closet and haven't give them a second thought.

Until now anyway.

Ryan had come back from the gym the other day and I'd had the bright idea to ask if I could go with him. All of my baby weight was getting me down and I felt like I had lost the active side to my life. I hadn't done anything remotely sporty for the best half of the year. I missed it. I used to have abs, and I desperately wanted them back.

The morning I'd asked him, I'd been waiting for him to come out of the bathroom, from taking a shower, while lounging on his bad in the basement. He'd recently been going with Puck in the mornings during this summer, since the two are finally on speaking terms. They'd go early and Ryan was usually back before I'd even left the bed. That day was no different.

He walked out to find me now awake and smiled at me, using a towel to dry his still very damp hair as he did so.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty"

"Morning indeed" I replied noticing he'd left his shirt off. I can't say I was complaining.

"Perv" He said with a smirk and walked over to his dresser to find a shirt to wear. He grabbed one and threw it on.

"Hey don't ruin my view" I said back while stretching out on the bed. He shook his head at me. "How was the gym?" I asked getting the idea to ask to join him next time.

"Not bad." He asked while eyeing me suspiciously. "You never ask how the gym is. The gym is the gym. Same old, you know, with Puck trying to impress any woman that even looks his way briefly." He rolled his eyes at the guys behaviour.

I scoffed in disgust.

"As long as you don't, that's all that matters to me" I said back with a warning look.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Gorgeous" He said back seriously.

"Good boy" I smirked. "Would..." I paused. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Would I be able to come with you sometime?" I asked shyly.

"You want to come to the gym?" He asked not looking convinced, I nodded, sitting up on the bed. "With me?" He asked, and again I nodded. "...And Puck?" He asked almost like he was warning me that he'd be there. I nodded again, but maybe a little unsurely. Puck was annoying most of the time as it was. Committing to something with him pretty much every other day was probably going to be a nightmare.

"What's brought this on?" He asked coming over to the bed and sitting on the edge of the bed just in front of me.

"I just really want to get back into shape, back to being active." I said back. "You also suggested it a couple weeks back before the party."

He didn't say anything for a second. I looked at him and he was almost studying me. "I didn't think you'd actually ask" He said with a smile.

"Well I'm asking" I said hopefully.

"I mean, yeah, of course you can." He said with a smile. "Whenever you want, just let me know."

So now here we are, with me still trying to find my shoe and Ryan waiting impatiently downstairs.

"Gorgeous" I heard again shouted at me. I love it when he called me that.

"Ry, have you seen my trainers?" I shouted back at him.

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