61. Nationals.

798 47 3

"We made it. We're one of the top fifty show choirs in the nation. Tomorrow only 10 move on to showcase, where they'll vie for the national championship." Rachel said as we all stared up at the banners hanging in the foyer.

"We've so got this." Kurt said, everyone was pumped. We were ready for this.

"Okay. Usually I'm pretty cautious about getting your hopes up but honestly guys I think we've got a really good shot at winning this thing." Mr Schue said as we all smiled back at him. " Alright everyone put your hands in the middle. One, Two, Three!" He said starting a show circle.



After watching the competition progress, things were looking a little harder than before. These teams were the best of the best. The top of the heap. They were sharp and talented. We watched one choir do Usher's Yeah! It was good. Really good. Then we watched as Sunshine took to the stage with Vocal Adrenaline. She was amazing. Rachel even got us to get up and clap her in a standing ovation which was very not Rachel like ...it was weird. Like walking into some parallel universe where Rachel actually supported not sabotaged the competition.

Something felt off.


Before we knew it, We were up. All back stage waiting to head out after Finn and Rachel sing Pretending first.

"Stage freight kicking in?" I asked the back of Finn who was tightening his tie in the mirror, breathing deeply. He looked too terrified to speak so I walked over to him carrying on to fill the silence. "You've got this, man" I said placing a supportive hand on his shoulder. "You and Rachel. You're gonna smash this out the park"

He didn't look so convinced.

"Not sure there is a me and Rachel at the moment" he said looking more heartbroken than I've ever seen him.

"Still not good then?" I asked and he shook his head.

"She's been avoiding me, and with St James on the scene... I just feel like I'm losing her" he said shaking his head.

"That girl absolutely worships the ground you walk on, dude. You just gotta make her see that you feel the exact same way back. That no matter what, or in your case... not matter who is around you or in the picture, all you see is her" I said thinking about a certain someone myself.

"Like you and a certain blonde last night?" He asked with a lop sided smirk directed my way.

I laughed.

"Honestly, yeah." I nodded "This time last week I thought I'd pretty much messed this up, just like I feared I would. I let that fear take over and get in the way of telling her... no, showing her that she means everything to me.  And I thought me just telling her that was enough, but it's like they say...actions speak louder than words."

Finn looked like he was deep in thought.

"Like you said yesterday, this could really help." I said throwing a thumb to point in the direction of the stage "somehow singing out shit has become how we deal with our problems. We can sing things we struggle to say. And You've got a shot to not only win us nationals here, but get your girl back as well. Rach is a romantic through and through. You wrote this song with her in mind. Sing it and make it count." I said and he looked at me, nodded and regained some confidence right before me. Standing taller, if that was possible.

"You're right" he nodded "go be or go home right. All or nothing"

"The show must go all over..." I said smirking at him...

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