22. The Substitute.

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"Alright guys, um..." Mr Schue started with on Monday morning's glee meeting. "Time to start thinking about song selections." He said to us looking a little worse for wear. We all stared at him with slight worry and a bit of confusion. He didn't look well at all. He was writing on the board, then turned to face us again, with a look of disbelief or confusion. Whatever it was, It was weird.

He was literally looking at us like we'd all grown second heads at this point.

"Lookin' good Puckerman. Someone's been eating their Wheaties" Santana said looking over at Puck. All the while Mr Schue looked even stranger at us.

"These, guns are fully loaded" Puck said back to her, flexing his muscles.

"Mr Schue? I for one think we should use our set list for sectionals to start exploring the oeuvre of one Bernadette Peters" Rachel said.

I had no idea what she had said. Neither did half the group by the looks on peoples faces.

And I don't think Mr Schue was prepared to even comprehend what Rachel had just said himself, if the look on his face was anything to go by.

"Someday, I'm gonna go to Paris and visit the oeuvre" Brittany said to herself. As Britt always does.

"I just want to dance" Mike said with a smile.

"Mr Schuester, you look a little green" Mercedes pointed out.

"Yeah Mr Schue, you don't look too great" Ryan said from the seat next to me, looking at Mr Schue with his cute confused face.

Focus Quinn.

Mr Schue seemed to snap out of his weird dazed state at that moment.

"Um... I think I'm gonna go see the nurse" He said looking at us in that strange way again "But first I feel like I should get you guys a sitter" He said and it was our turn to look at him strangely.

How old did he think we were? Five?

I raised an eyebrow as my eyes followed him out the door. Leaving us all behind wondering what the hell just happened.

"What just happened?" Santana voice for us all, looking like she was on the verge of laughing.

"I have no idea" Mercedes replied.

"Well what ever happened, I'm outta here" Puck said getting up out of his seat.

"Yeah same" Ryan said. Getting up as well. "You wanna get some practice in on the field while its free?" He asked Puck.

"Let's go Hastings!" Puck said grabbing his bag and heading for the door. Ryan turned to me and leant down to give me a kiss on the cheek before he left. I smiled up at him, at the cute action.

"We'll come with you" I said meaning myself and Santana.

"Wait don't you think we should be getting a set list ready for when Mr Schuester returns?" Rachel said trying to get everyone to sit down again.

"Two hot guys get hot and sweaty on a football field... or sitting in a room with you where we can't get a word in edge wise. I think I see a clear winner." Santana snarked before standing also. Britt following us close behind.


We met the guys out on the football field. Us girls taking a seat on the bleachers as the guys tossed a ball around in a some plays. Sam had joined them too, by this point.

"So are you gonna address the major blonde elephant currently on the field?" Santana said with a smirk my way.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

Forever And A Day || Season 2 || Quinn Fabray StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora