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Asta has avoided talking to her father about her Name Day, fearing that he would decide things she would not agree with, causing another argument to ensue. She would only practice magic and read the books she was suppose to. Everything was almost normal. Almost. She was worried for Thor, hopping that he was fine and find his way back home. She attempted to Astral project like how she had read many times before to contact her brother, but was never successful. Then she got the news. Her father has fallen into Odin-sleep. Her family may not go back to being normal anytime soon.

Asta made her way down the hall to her brothers room. She was informed that her brother had witness their father's sudden fall, leading her to go talk to him now. She knocks on his door before entering, "Loki, I was informed about father, what happened?" she questions, as she closes the door.

Loki stood facing away from her, looking out his window at Asgard his eyes unknown to her showing betrayal. "Did you know?" he asks her, ignoring her words.

She looks at him confused, "Know what?" she questions, wishing for him to clarify.

But all he did was let out a sigh of irritation, "Did you know I was not your brother?!" he snaps turning to her, causing her to look at him in shock, unable to form words at this news, only a gasp. Tears begin to form in Loki's eyes, but he refused to let them fall, "You knew didn't you? That I was merely some-- some prize won of war?! Never given a chance to rule Asgard as you always claimed I could when we were young! Fueling his lies! You knew I was never your brother!?" He all but seethes at her, tears ready to fall, as tears cascade down Asta's face.

She shed tears from shock, and for the first time being yelled at by her brother. "No, I swear to you I never knew." she promises, her voice small, not wishing to set him off again.

He turns from her in frustration, beginning to pace, "No. No. You all knew and have been lying to me. Now TELL ME THE TRUTH!!!" he shouts in frustration, his voice cracking as tears finally fall as he looks to her.

Asta goes to him calming herself, before grabbing his hands in hers. "I swear on everything magical in all the realms, I speak only the truth to you. I never, have ever lied to you a day in my life." she pauses looking at their joined hands getting an idea. She lifts up his hands, placing his fingertips at her temple, "if you still doubt me brother, I give you permission to look through my memories. But know, that despite all of what father might of said to you, you are my brother, and I, your sister. Nothing will ever change that." She tells him sincerely.

Loki looks to her unsure, but all the betrayal, anger, and sadness leaving his eyes. Thinking clearly, sensing no lies from her he lowers his hands, "I believe you... I believe you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Asta." Loki tells her, causing her to hug him.

Loki broke down in her arms, no longer holding back his tears, "I'm sorry you were lied to. But you are here, you are loved, and you have a glorious future ahead of you." Asta reassures him.

Loki slowly releases his hold on her, "Thank you Asta." he tells her having calmed down at her words.

She gives him a small smile, before thinking back to his words, "Loki, what did you mean you were a 'prize won of war'?" she questions confused.

Loki looks away from her, looking down at his arm that had no harm but the memory of it turning blue was forever in his mind. "When Odin... when he defeated the Frost Giants, and took the Casket of Ancient Winters, he took something else... me... I'm a Frost Giant Asta." he admits to her what he had learned.

"Why would he take you? As revenge?" Asta questions, confused with her fathers motives.

"He said it was because I was left alone to die. But then he reveals'... I was Laufey's son." he tells Asta, not looking her in the eye, moving to sit on his bed.

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