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A dust storm approached Thor, Jane, and Asta on Svartalfheim; causing the three to go for shelter in a cave. Asta looks down at her hands, sadness enveloping her. But she knew she had to push past this feeling, bigger things were going to happen and they had to stop it. "He's gonna unleash it," Asta speaks, breaking the silence that surrounded the three, "not just on Asgard, Malekith is gonna destroy everything. Surround everything in darkness." she tells them, finally looking over at the two.

"How?" Thor questions his sister, confused on how she knew this.

"I saw him on Midgard... Earth. Why would he go to Earth?" Asta says looking between the two, confused herself.

Jane looks up in realization, "The Convergence... Oh, God. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether." Jane says, blaming herself.

"Then Malekith would have only possessed it that much sooner. Do not blame yourself." Asta reassures her.

"I only found it because I was looking for you." Jane admits looking over to Thor.

"Jane..." Thor says placing a caring hand on her cheek, unsure of how to reassure her more.

"Now we're stuck here." Jane mutters in defeat. The silence between the three was then broken by the sound of music.

The three look at one another confused, "It's not me." Thor tells them just as confused at what was happening.

Jane looks through her pockets before revealing a cellphone, confused she answers it. "Hello." there was a pause before she replied again, "Richard? Where are you?" she asks, beginning to slowly walk further into the cave. She lifts her phone up in the air as she continued to walk, "Oh, my god. This is amazing." she says.

"Is it? I quite enjoyed our lunch despite never actually ordering anything." the voice of Richard comes from the phone. Thor and Asta looks at one another confused on who he was and what was happening.

"How am I getting service here?" Jane questions as she continued into the cave, the two Asgardians slowly following behind.

"Is this a bad time? Do you want me to try you there?" Richard questions.

"No, no, no, no! Please, whatever you do, do not hang up the phone." Jane requests as she looks around puzzled.

"Okay then. I was just wondering if you want to try again? Uh...maybe dinner next time." Richard asks her.

"Uh...yeah, yeah, yeah. Um...just stay on the phone, okay?" Jane replies, not listening as she looks at the random things that would normally not be in a cave like this.

"Yeah, I will." Richard replies oblivious to what was happening, as Jane takes him off speaker.

"Oh, my God." Jane says spotting keys she recognizes, grabbing them before showing it to the siblings, show stare, still confused.

"No, no, no, nothing at all." Jane says to the man on the phone before looking at the siblings, "Come on." she tells them, pulling Thor with her as Asta follows them.

"Where are we going?" Thor questions, as he glances around at the random objects in the cave. "Why are there so many shoes in here?" he questions more before the three of them enter a hidden portal allowing them to be on Earth.

Jane leads the two towards a car as she puts her phone away. The small car was broken and painted on, but they entered it either way. "So who's Richard?" Thor questions, as they all enter the car.

Jane starts it and looks at him, "Really?" she counter questions, as she begins to drive. It wasn't a long drive, they arrive to her home, opening the door with the keys she had found in the cave.

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