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Season 1, Ep. 21 - Ragtag pt2

& Ep. 22 - Beginning of the the End


Asta stumbles into the room as she feels her shield lowering, no longer having enough energy to keep it up. Simmons steadies her as Fitz was quick to close the door again right before Ward had a chance to get to them. "Open the door, Fitz." Ward demands, hitting the glass with the side of his fist in frustration.

"Ward, please...I need to understand." Fitz tries to reason with the agent.

"You need to accept the truth, Fitz. He doesn't care about us, about anything. He shot Asta." Simmons tells her friend as she helps to hold up Asta whilst applying pressure to her abdomen wound.

Ward showed none of them emotion as he stood on the other side of the door. "No, I don't believe that. We're friends, aren't we?" Fitz tries to talk out but got no look of understanding. "We've been friends. We've had laughs together." he continues, "I know that you're a good person, Ward. And you can choose right now to be good." 

Ward looks down for a moment but no emotion was on his face still, "It's a choice.." Fitz tries again.

"I've got my orders. Open the door." Ward demands.

"No." Asta says angrily to him, making his eyes shift to her.

"You're hurt." he tries to reason.

"I don't care." She replies, stubbornly.

Ward looks back to Fitz, silently hoping he'd open the door to help the princess, "Not a chance." Fitz tells him a bit defeated backing away from the door.

"Okay. Have it your way." Ward tells them before turning away to a control panel near the room they were in.

"Wait. What are you doing?" Simmons questions as she watches Ward begin to hit buttons. "Fitz." she says, causing Fitz to step up to the window again.

"Okay. Wait." Fitz starts as he realizes what's going on.

"What are you doing?" Asta questions as the agent hits more and more things, entering in codes.

"Wait." Fitz tries again.

"No. No. No." Simmons begins to panic.

"Okay. Wait." Fitz says with more force, but Ward continues.

"Wait." Asta tries to help.

"Ward, just think about this." Simmons says to the man.

"Wait, Ward! Ward! Okay, wait, wait, wait! Just give it a second!" Fitz starts shouting as Ward presses a button causing a red emergency flash appear in the screen. "Just look – Ward, look at me!"

Ward glances over for a second before pressing another button. "Think about this!" Simmons tries to say but is very panic'd at this point.

"Ward, just turn around! Don't do it! Don't do it, Ward! Okay, you don't have to do this!" Fitz shouts at him, hitting the glass once hopping to get the agents attention.

"Ward!" Asta tries to shout but groans from her pain.

"You have a choice! Ward! Ward, look at me! I know that you care about us, Ward!" Fitz continues to shout things at Ward but it was for nothing because he pulled the final thing, turning to face them as the room began to move back, away from Ward, away from the bus.

"Ward!" They all panic'd shouted at the man as they fell out of the sky and into the ocean.


The sudden crash landing into the ocean was not smooth. It had knocked Simmons and Asta out and broke Fitz's arm. Fitz made due with what was already in the room having enough to at least patch up Asta's shoulder and abdomen wounds and put his broken arm in a sling. He didn't have much and couldn't exactly clean them but she shouldn't bleed out, at least that's what he kept muttering to himself.

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