64 // a puppy

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a puppy


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Why did everyone have to be so goddamn toxic? Why couldn't Oakley and I just be us?

I thought it was an irrational reaction when he said it would be better if he quit his music. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized he had thought about it.

He didn't want to deal with people's opinions about him anymore.

People first of all wanted to know everything. What's happened, why it happened, when it happened. He didn't owe anyone an explanation, but he felt like he did. Like he had to tell his fans what happened because that's what a good artist would.

It was bullshit.

And then the constant scrutiny of people who didn't even give a fuck about him unless it'd brought them money. A description under a picture of him with 'Someone, Send Oakley Carrillo a Burger!' apparently would get enough clicks, even from fans who were trying to defend him. Good intentions with an execution that should be revised.

I promised to come see his therapist together, which I still did the following day. But I wasn't planning on making anything about me.

Though obviously nothing seemed to work in my favor, as everything did seem to be about me.

"I promise you, you weren't shaking," Oakley reassured me after we'd left the room.

"Are you sure? Because I feel like I was."

"I'm sure. And even if so, he's here to help us, remember? Do you want to tell me why you're so anxious about all this?"

I stopped walked when we reached my car, looking him in the eye.

"I don't know, Oakley. I just am," I told him, getting in the driver's seat. He followed my lead and sat down in the passenger. "We didn't even get to talk about what happened yesterday."


"The paparazzi. You being upset," I said quietly, my eyes focused on him as we just sat there. "I just want you to be okay."

"I'm fine. I will be. I just... I won't quit, okay? I just don't know what to do about this."

"Which is exactly why I wanted to help you," I explained.

He was quiet now, his eyes focusing on something else every five seconds. His dark eyes met mine again before he spoke.

"I'll be fine. So will you."

Yet I couldn't stop feeling like this would happen any time soon.


I knew something was wrong. And I was only proven right when two days later, he called me in the middle of the night if he could come over. I'd only noticed he arrived when the door to my room opened, revealing sleepy Oakley with messed up hair.

"Hey," I said, sitting up as I tried to wake up a little. Maybe he wanted to talk. "Did you drive here like that?"

He shook his head, sitting down next to me in my bed.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," he said, leaning against me.

"It's fine. Are you okay?"

"I couldn't sleep. I thought I probably just missed you. Then I realized I just feel fucking weird," he said with a sigh.

"Do you know why?" I asked him.

"Not really. I just can't stop thinking about stuff."

"Like, overthinking?"

"I just can't stop thinking. Not like an anxiety thing. Just... like I'm busy. The entire time. And it's like I don't mind it but I know it's not good."

He leaned into me a little more, and I wrapped an arm around him. His breath brushed my cheek slightly, making me slump down a little more comfortably.

"Do you want to tell about what you're thinking about?"

"Right now, just about you and me."

"And what do you think of you and me?"

"I believe that we're soulmates. We'll be together forever. And we'll live in a nice, decent-sized house. One day, when we're both ready, we'll get engaged. And that would be the moment we can really show the world how much we love each other. We'll lose fans, but we'll gain many in return. There will be mean articles about us, but we're happy. We have a cute pet. A puppy? A kitten?"

"A puppy."

"We'll have a puppy. And we'll get married in the mountains or something. Someplace special and private. And I'll be crying because I get to have a happily ever after."

"You're everything I've ever wanted in a guy."

"You're everything I thought was a myth." he looked at me. "I kinda gave up on falling in love and I was fine with it, and then you came along and it hit me like a cliche romcom."

I smiled to myself. Out of everyone he could've had, he fell in love with me. That had to mean something. "I love you too."

"I don't remember saying--"

"Don't ruin the moment, Dimple. I love you."

"Love you too."



Okay so I know this chapter is super short and super late, but school is fucking me up rn

Basically, I hate school. So I'm sorry. But thank you all for over 10k reads!! I never thought I'd get that many! I remember being so happy when I first hit 500 lmao😭

Question of the update: idk whether I asked this already, but how did you find my story?

I'd love to know since I've been getting so many new readers lately (and if you're here, welcome)

Don't forget to leave a vote while you're at it ;)

Until next time! (Next update is halfway done and will be longer again)❤️

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